62.2: clearing the air.

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continuation of lies they tell


"Taylor needed a break, and a nap, so I have a cute baby," Travis said into the mic, explaining why he suddenly had a baby laying on his chest. He and his brother had already started the podcast and had gotten through a good amount of it before Taylor came in confessing that she needed to go to sleep. Travis was well aware of when Taylor had been completely drained physically and mentally. He checked in with her before he started and she had been fine. So somewhere within the last hour, she had decided she had enough, and Travis was more than happy and willing to take the baby while she got some rest, even if it was to interrupt his work.

Macen did her cute little newborn scrunch as Travis adjusted her from one of his shoulders to the other. Jason wore a huge smile on his face as he watched his brother be a father. Never in life did anyone in Travis' family imagine that he would be a father. He was a wild one all his life. He would get into anything and everything. He wasn't exactly an ideal partner when he started dating, and everyone on the Kelce side just wrote him off as a forever bachelor. They all started to see a noticeable difference in him when he started dating Taylor. Taylor had unknowingly put him on a leash and trained him to be the man that he was today. Travis didn't want to mess things up with her. He did everything in his power to not run her off. Everyone around him could tell he had fallen head over heels with her immediately. 

"Since you have the topic of our next segment in your arms, we might as well do that next." Jason told his brother with a laugh, causing Travis to laugh as well. "You've been getting a lot of flack lately."

Travis let out a laugh. "Yeah, all thanks to this precious baby girl."  Travis smiled, looking down at his squirming newborn. She was wide awake to his surprise, but she wasn't fussing and was barely making any noises. Every now and then a cute newborn coo could be heard, but that was it. "People seem to believe I would miss her birth, when it's all I thought or talked about for months."

"Care to walk us through that day? What was going through your mind." Jason asked. 

"I'd love to," Travis started. "So of course, Coach Reid, my teammates, and all the rest of the staff knew that Taylor could go into labor any day. Everybody knew how important it. I never missed a single one of Taylor's doctor's appointments." Travis had many conversations since the day he found out Taylor was pregnant with the staff of his team. He was determined to be at every single one of her appointments. He wanted to be as involved as possible. If she had to carry his baby, the least he could do was show up and be supportive. "So when Taylor went into labor on Saturday night, I was ready to leave the hotel and go straight to the hospital to be with her." He had only been at the hotel about an hour before Taylor called him, telling him her water had broken. He was about to jump in his car before she even finished his sentence, but she stopped him. "But she wanted me to get some rest. Just like Tay to be worried about me when she's about to give birth right? The doctor told her it would be a while, so I got up around 4 AM and I went straight to the hospital. I couldn't stand not being there with her, for her. She was a little pissed, that I came so early, but she got over it." Travis let out a small laugh. 

"Mace was born around 8 AM. So I was there. Got to cut the cord, got to see her first bath, the fingerprinting thing. Got to do the whole skin-to-skin thing with her. So I was definitely there for everything. Taylor convinced me to leave once she was back in the room. I was ready to stay but, Tay wanted me to go play the game. If she hadn't been so damn adamant about it, I would have stayed. But happy wife, happy life." Just as quickly as he said it, he almost regretted the wording of the last sentence. He knew her fans, their fans, would take that one sentence and come up with a whole theory about it. He didn't mind people who liked them talking, it was when things got taken out of context so badly that it ended up being a "news" article when things got to me too much. 

"Let me tell you about that woman of mine. Wow. I'm just so amazed by her." He was starting to ramble. He was just speaking from his heart now. "She is amazing. Watching her go through that... wow." A tear was starting to escape from his eye even thinking about Taylor and how amazing she was that day. How she didn't complain about the pain. How she accepted everything that was going on at the moment. "I don't think I could love a woman more than I love her after seeing all the pain she went through to bring this little bundle into all of our lives. She never complained once. Never uttered a single word about it. That girl, my Taylor, is a warrior. A beast." Travis finally got done with his little speech, vowing to not have a single bit of his rant edited out of the episode. Jason finally spoke again and the podcast continued. 


Taylor wiped the tears from her eyes with a smile on her face. Just as she closed the YouTube app, the front door opened. "Hey baby," Travis said a smile on his face, as she walked into the living room from his day at practice. 

"Hey. How was practice?" Taylor asked her boyfriend, who was already ready to pick up Macen and attach her to his chest. "She just went to sleep, babe," Taylor warned. 

Travis leaned down, kissing Taylor quickly. "Practice was good." He told her, looking at her a little bit funny. "Have you been crying? Why is your kiss salty?" He sat down next to her instead of getting Macen from the little bassinet that sat beside the couch. 

"I just watched the podcast." She told him, a small smile creeping on both of their faces. He leaned into her again, kissing her passionately. "I love you." She told him once they parted. "Thank you for saying that."

"I meant every word." He told her. He pushed a hair that was dangling in her face behind her ear. "I don't think I tell you enough how much I appreciate you, Tay. I need you and the world to know just how amazing you are baby. You are Wonder Woman, baby."  The tears were really starting to flow from her eyes now, listening to him speak and looking at the way he was looking at her, she knew every word he was saying was true. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too, Trav." He wiped the tears from her eyes, kissing her again quickly.

"Thank you for giving me the best gift, I could ever ask for." One day, he hoped he could repay for her giving him Macen, for giving him all the support and love in the world. For just putting up with him in general. One day he was going to do something big. One day soon, he was going to do something big.

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