42.0: both of us.

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Taylor sat on the floor of the apartment that she shared with her boyfriend. She looked around the place and laughed a little knowing that her mother and father would disapprove of the appearance of the place. It was cheap and it was all they could really afford. There was a pile of dirty clothes in one corner, and a pile of clean ones in another. There were school books tossed about, and a dirty plate or two here and there. But was she upset about that? No. Why would she be? She couldn't be happier in all honesty.

She looked over at the door as it slowly opened, soon revealing him in his jeans and t-shirt. She smiled when she saw his face. He looked like he'd had been through hell and back, but she couldn't resist smiling anyway. He closed the door behind him and placed his things on the floor near the door. He looked at her shining face and a smile instantly appeared. "Hey, baby." He walked over to her and practically attacked her causing her to fall back onto the floor and giggle. "You're looking just as beautiful as ever," he whispered with a smirk on his face as he hovered over her slightly. "Especially in this shirt." He leaned down and kissed her lips as his hand slipped under the t-shirt she wore. He let out a groan when his fingertips reached her inner thigh and no cloth guarded her privates. "Where are your panties?" He asked as his lips moved from her lips to her neck.

"Stop it," she giggled again as she pushed him off of her a bit. "I need to wash clothes, that's why."

"I didn't say I was upset about it," he told her as he leaned into her again. She moved back with a smirk on her face.

"How was your test?" She asked as she got up from the floor and began to walk over to the coffee table and grabbed the blunt she had rolled for him and a lighter.

"It was alright. Wasn't as hard as I expected." He looked at what was in her hands as she walked back over to him. "Look at you, learning how to roll weed."

"Did I do it right?" She sat down on his lap and examined the rolled substance before Travis took it from her hands and did the same. He nodded his head and placed it between his lips as he took the lighter from her hand. Lighting the opposite end, smoke filled the area they were sitting in.

"You did great, baby." He inhaled a bit and removed the blunt from his lips before blowing out the smoke towards the ceiling. "You're great." She took the joint from his fingers and did the same as he did, only blowing the smoke into his face. He made a face, causing her to laugh. He pecked her lips quick before asking, "What did you do today?"

"Um." She looked around the place, trying to see if what he saw was any different than what he left earlier that day. "Clearly nothing." He let out a chuckle and watched her take another puff and blew out the smoke. "My mother called today. Asked me when I'm going to decide to come home." She shook her head a bit and handed the weed over to Travis. "I don't know what she and my father don't understand. I'm not going back to that house. Ever. I love you and I know you would never do anything to hurt me intentionally. Sure, we're not living exactly like royalty, but we're happy. We have each other."

"That's all we need is each other." He placed the rolled-up bundle of happiness onto the coffee table and then wrapped his arms around her. "Fuck your parents. When we finish school and get into our careers we'll get that dream home you want. You know, the one with the view of the ocean and the beach." She nodded and smiled at the thought. "And we won't have to wonder where our next meal will be coming from, and we'll have all the little children you want. It'll be perfect. Because its you and me against the world, baby, and I love you. There is nothing that is going to tear us apart. Ever." She smiled as she leaned into him and kissed him. That's all she needed to hear, that's all she needed to know, that it was the both of them and no one else. It didn't matter what anyone else thought, all that mattered was that they loved each other.

He slowly laid her down on the floor breaking their kiss. "I love you, Trav."

"I love you, too, Tay."


"Trav?!" She had been standing in the bathroom, looking at her reflection in the mirror for almost an hour before she heard what sounded like the door to their apartment opening.

"Babe, where are you?" He called from the other room. She opened the bathroom door and walked out seeing his face wearing a smile. He was holding a bouquet of flowers and a teddy bear. She smiled at the sight of him.

"What is this?" She asked as she approached him, greeting him with a kiss.

"I know I couldn't get you anything a few weeks ago for your birthday, I wanted to make it up to you." He handed her the things he had gotten her and hugged her tight.

"Baby, I told you, you didn't have to get me anything, but thank you." She kissed him again before she walked to the kitchen area to find something to put the flowers in. She was trying to figure out how to formulate in her head what she wanted to say to him. She didn't want to be blunt about it, but she didn't want to beat around the bush too much. She watched him plop down on their bed across the way. "Travis," she saw him look over at her from his place on the bed, it was his way of answering her without saying a word. "What do you think about us having a child?" She arranged the flowers in the large cup she found and filled it with water before she proceeded over to the bed and laid next to him. He rolled onto his side to face her, with a frazzled look on his face.

"We've talked about this before," he reminded her. "One day, when we get out of school and can afford another apartment, we could go more in-depth about us bringing a little us into the world." He ran his fingers through her hair and looked her into her eyes. He could tell something was bothering her.

"What if unexpectedly, I ended up pregnant?"

"Tay, what are you getting at?" He asked, he was starting to piece it together, but he wanted her to say it. He watched her closely as her eyes started to gloss over as she reached behind her, into her back pocket.

"I took three, they all came out positive." She tried to hold back her tears but they began to stream down her face anyways.

"Baby, don't cry," he whispered as he wiped her tears around with his thumb. "We'll figure something out. I'll get another job. Just won't worry."

"We can't even afford to feed ourselves, how are we gonna feed and clothe a baby?" She asked, her voice was beginning to get shaky and her sobs were beginning to get heavy. He didn't know what to say to make her feel any better. He pulled her into him and she buried her face into his chest. He stroked her hair, trying to soothe her, but she only seemed to cry more. "My parents are going to kill me," She managed between sobs. He knew no matter how much she wanted to ignore her parents and their demands; she wanted their approval about everything. They were half the reason they were living the way they were in the first place.

"Babe..." He tried to begin, but his voice got caught in his throat. He was on the verge of tears, simply because she was so upset. "Babe, we can do this, okay? We can make it. We have a few months to try to pull something together before the baby gets here." She sniffed and looked up at him.

"Really?" He wiped the tears from her eyes, and looked into her eyes. After seeing the gleam of hope they held, he knew he had to find a way to provide for her, for their child. He couldn't let them down, and he had to prove her parents wrong. He had to be the best he could be just so he could know in the back of his own mind that he wasn't the guy her parents thought he was.

"Do you trust me?" She nodded. "I love you; I'm not going to let anything bad happen. I promise." He didn't know how he was going to pull this off, but he knew he had to. He wasn't one to break a promise, especially not to her. She laid on his chest, and he stroked her hair again. His mind began to work overtime. He had to make things better for their future child. 

Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce (Tayvis) One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now