25.3: you're mine.

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continuation of how long could we be a sad song? and merry little christmas ; lyrics: finley's lullaby by bryan lanning


these little lips, they don't know how heartbreak taste, and this little heart it sees the good in everybody and all i can think about is how i cant live without you. [...] oh you're mine, all mine.

Tears were streaming down her face, but in the end Taylor knew it would all be worth it. "Big push, big push." She heard the doctor tell her, as she tried to sit up once again, and started her fifth attempt at pushing her second daughter out. She could hear the nurses around her counting as she squeezed the hell out of Travis's hand. She didn't know what she would do without him standing right there by her side. Every since the day Paisley was born, he had been nothing but the best father in the world to their little girl and she knew that he would be just as amazing with their second. The relationship he and Paisley had to be of the most adorable things she had ever witnessed in her life and she couldn't wait to see how that dynamic changed and grew with the birth of their second child.

The sound of cries broke Taylor's train of thought and brought her back into the reality she was facing. "Happy Birthday to a beautiful baby girl." She heard the doctor. A rush of relief fell over Taylor as the pain she was having slowly subsided as her daughter was removed from her body. The tears of pain turned to tears of joy as the baby was placed in her chest.

"Oh my God." She whispered as she looked down at her new little one as the nurses tried to clean her off. "She's here." She said looking up at Travis who placed a kiss to her lips.

"I love you." Travis told his wife as tears escaped his own eyes. He couldn't believe it. Two. He had two daughters now. Two little girls to spoil. Other than the day Paisley was born and his wedding day, this was the best day of his life.

"I love you." Taylor repeating the words back to him only made him think of the time when he thought he would never even hold her again and now here they were with their secondborn child. The tears streaming down Travis's face were happy ones, he loved his three girls more than anything in the world and he couldn't believe he was living the life he was. He was married to the girl that swept him away the first time they met and she had blessed him with two daughters. The wails from the newborn were like music to Travis's ears as he followed the nurses around with his iPhone in hand taking pictures of the newest addition as she was weighted and measured. He couldn't wait to see Paisley's reaction to her little sister. His baby girl was now a big sister. He couldn't wait for his girls to meet each other. He knew that Paisley would love her little sister to pieces.


It had been a couple of hours since Adeline Donna Kelce was born. Taylor and Travis had settled into the silence of the hospital room with their newborn. Even though nurses were continuously in and out to check on the baby, they were pleasantly surprised with all calm the afterbirth process had gone compared to how it was with Paisley. Taylor chalked it up to them not being new parents and knowing what to expect.

Adeline was lying in her little bed beside Taylor's bed as Travis sat in the chair across from the two of them, admiring the sight he was seeing. He plucked away on her guitar, humming the tune of a song she had written not too long after Paisley was born. It was a lullaby that they sang for her whenever she was fussy and upset. The melody always seemed to sooth her cries and so far, it was working just as well with Adeline. Being with Taylor for so long, Travis had picked up a couple of things when it came to both the guitar and piano. 

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