56.3: mine.

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continuation of series 56: ( 1. pool party and 2. my first love )


"What are you looking at, baby?" He asked, pulling her into him. They had been laid up in the hotel room all day, taking in each other's company. This was nice. Even when they fell silent, it was comfortable. It didn't feel like talking was needed. Being in his arms was enough for her. Hearing him breathe was enough for her. Him being in the room was enough for her. She didn't feel like she needed to worry about anything. 

"Looking for apartments." She stated simply, scrolling through Zillow, trying to find something that was reasonably priced. Everything in the city was so damn expensive. She was starting to think she was going to have to quit her job and move back home with her parents and get a job here instead. It wasn't what she wanted to do, but if that's what she needed to do to live, it was going to have to do. 

"Are you finding anything?" he asked, snuggling into her more and closing his eyes. Something about her scent, her presence, and her aura felt like home. He had never found home in a person, but somehow, Taylor was it for him. How was someone he had only known for a matter of weeks this for him? 

"Everything is so expensive. I'm not going to be able to afford it." There was a hint of sadness in her voice, and suddenly he wanted to fix it. Hearing her sad made his heart drop. "I might have to quit my job and move back home." She let out a sigh.

"What if you stayed with me?" he asked. "Until you find something. So you don't have to quit." He was trying to clear up his question, trying to make it so he didn't seem eager for her to move in with him. "I know how much you love that job. I'm sure it would be really hard for you to leave there."

"I don't want to impose on your space." She rolled over in his arms so that now she was facing him. Her hand met the side of his face. She rubbed his beard gently. "That's your space." She whispered. She knew he was trying to be nice, trying to help her solve her problem. But she had gotten herself into this by not properly planning her breakup and a way out and a new place. "I made this mess. I have to get myself out of it."

"And I am offering you a way out of it." He told her. He leaned in and kissed her lips, gently. "Taylor, I really like you, might even be in love with you, and I want to help you. Staying with me is the least I can do since I am kind of part of the reason you're in this mess to begin with." He said truthfully. He hadn't even realized all of the words he had actually said until something in her face changed. "What?"

"You think you might love me?" She asked him, a little bewildered. He hadn't even known her a full two months, and he was confessing these types of feelings to her? What was this man raised on? Why was he treating her so well? Was he love-bombing her? Was he going to switch up and become the worst thing that ever happened to her in her life? 

"Yeah..." He replied, shyly. Maybe he shouldn't have offered. Maybe he shouldn't have said anything at all. "Look Taylor. There is something about you that has a hold on me. I have never in my life been with anyone like you. Every moment we spend together feels so comfortable, and just laying here with you feels like a little piece of home." He said, looking her in her eyes. Her beautiful blue eyes looked as if tears were ready to spill from there. "I understand if what I'm saying comes off scary because we've only known each other a few weeks, but I know that in my heart, I have never felt this way about anyone before, and I mean that with my heart and soul."

"No one has ever said anything like that to me before," she replied after a brief moment of silence. The tears that had welled up in her eyes slowed and cascaded down her face, hitting the sheets. 

"Is it lame to ask you to be my girlfriend? Is that high school?" Travis asked, a laugh coming form his mouth as he wrapped away the tears that were slipping from her eyes. 

"I think it's cute." She told him, laughing with him. 

"Well, will you be my girlfriend, Miss Taylor?" He asked her. 

She nodded her head at him, another giggle coming from her as he kissed the top of her head. "Yes. I will be your girlfriend."

"And now that you're my girlfriend, that means you will be more willing to accept help, and come stay at my apartment until you can get your own, if you even want to get your own after you get a taste of what it's like to live with me." He had a cocky grin on his face. 

"Oh you think I'm going to change my mind?" She asked, pushing her body a little bit closer to his. 

"You might. You called me last night after I had been gone for about an hour, saying you missed me. I think I might have you." He said she laughed at him. He thought he was so funny. Which he was, but she wouldn't admit that. 

"Or maybe you'll be so wrapped around my little finger in a matter of days you'll never want me to leave." She challenged. 

"Either way, my place is your place." He replied. He pulled her into him and kissed her.  

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