21.1: lipstick on your face.

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Taylor looked up from her paperwork when she heard the girls in the back of her classroom giggling. She was ready to redirect them, telling them to get back to work, when she noticed who was walking into her classroom. She tried to hold back the smile that was forming on her face. "Hey, Coach Kelce." Some of the girls sang and then burst into another fit of giggles. Travis gave them a small wave and walked over to her desk. 

"Yes, Coach?" She asked as he leaned over her desk. 

"I see a couple of my boys are failing your class. What do they need to do to get these grades up?" Travis asked, right as the bell rang. Taylor gave him a finger, letting him know to wait a second. 

"See you guys tomorrow. Make sure you finish up Chapter Thirteen and be ready to discuss when you come to class tomorrow." She told the class of juniors as they packed up their belongings and started to file out of the classroom. 

"Bye, Ms. Swift." The kids said as they walked out, getting a quick farewell from their teacher in return. Once all of the students had exited the classroom. Travis walked back over to the door, closed it, locked it, and turned off the lights in the classroom. Taylor turned on the lamp that sat on her desk to give some light. 

"Now, what are you really in here for?" She asked as she got up from her seat, putting her arms up so that they could fall into place the second he was close enough. 

"Still that," Travis said, a smirk on his face, as he walked back to her. Once he was close enough he wrapped her arms around her, pulling her into a hug. "But also this." He kissed her lips, probably lingering there a little bit longer than he should have. They had been dating for little over three months now, and sneaking into her classroom during her lunch period or on her planning period had become a common occurrence. 

"Now... who's failing?" She asked, taking her arms form around his neck and placing his her hands on each side of his face. 

"Ryan, Matt, and Paul" He replied. "But, before we get to that." He kissed her lips again, quickly. "Our date, Thursday night, Mini Golf or Bowling?" He asked, stealing yet another kiss. 

"Either one, I'm going to need a little help," She flirted. Anything to make him hold on to her and help her was going to be a fun time. She loved to see him sweat and stumble over his words and actions whenever they were outside of the school together. Thursday was the night when they typically went on dates since Fridays were reserved for the boy's football games. She attended a couple in support of the players and cheerleaders that were in her class.

"So you must want this date to end up with you needing a ride to work Friday morning." Taylor knew exactly what he meant by that, and she wasn't upset about it in the slightest. 

"Maybe I do." She told him. Suddenly a knock was heard on the classroom door. It never failed. Whenever he was in there, someone always ruined the vibe they were setting. They both let out small signs. She sat back down at her desk, mentally putting herself back into work mode, as he walked over to the door, turning the classroom lights back on as he opened it. 

"What's up, Coach!" A student said, with a big smile on his face. "Good afternoon, Ms. Swift." The student was a good kid, he just struggled with his English work a lot. Listening to the way he spoke to his coach and how he changed his tone when speaking to his English teacher proved that. 

"Hey, Dean. What do you need?" Taylor asked him, as the boy walked up to her desk. 

"What can I do to improve? I know I have a D but I gotta do better. My mama gonna kill me." The boy said. 

"Have you turned everything in?" Taylor asked him, opening up her laptop to check for herself. She was usually up to date on her grades. She never wanted to let things get to the last minute. She found it important for the students to have their grades back in a timely manner so that they could get the feedback they needed to either redo the assignment or do better on the next one. 

"Yes, ma'am." Taylor smiled at the student. He was such a good kid, and she loved students like him. They wanted to learn. They wanted to make good grades. They tried their best. But sometimes, their best still fell short and that was ok. She explained to him some things he could do to get his grade to where he would have liked it to be. It only took a few minutes and Travis just stood back and watched. Watched his girl do what she did best, which was love these kids and teach them how to be better people. "Thank you so much, Ms. Swift. I really appreciate it." Dean told her. "See you in 7th period!" He called out as he walked back towards the door. "Oh. Coach. You have lipstick on your face." The boy laughed and ran out of the room, which caused both Taylor and Travis to laugh. 

"God, dammit!" Travis said, taking his thumb and rubbing his lips. 

"Aww, let me fix it." Taylor said, still laughing. 

"I'm not going to hear the end of this one," Travis told her, laughing. He closed the door again. 

"Do you hear how my girls giggle when you walk in? I'm not going to hear the end of it either. So we're in this together." She told him, and somehow she was ok with that. 

due to popular demand: to be continued (part 2 is titled 'so it goes.')

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