21.2: so it goes.

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continuation of 'lipstick on your face'


Taylor got home, dropped her things, and headed to her room to start getting ready for her date with Travis. Over the last few months, this had been part of her happiness. She had a small crush on him ever since she started working at the high school, and now, here she was, going on dates with him and getting to call him her boyfriend. If you would have asked her in January if she would be dating the Football Coach at the school where she worked at, she would have told you to go to hell for even making a joke out of it. 

Her last relationship didn't end on great terms, and she swore she would never get into another relationship. But something about Travis was turning out to be different. His love for the kids that he coached was SO attractive. So endearing. She loved to watch him be tough on them but also love them and try to steer them in the right direction. He knew that some of these kids needed tough love and a father figure and he was always ready and willing to step up and be that for them. 

She took a quick shower, making sure she didn't get her hair wet. She didn't have time to dry her hair if that was to happen. He told her to wear something extremely casual, and since it was the middle of September and it was still rather hot, a simple crop top and jeans would have to do. She was more than sure she knew him well enough to know that he picked Mini Golf as his date night activity. By the time she was fully dressed, and looking in the mirror to make sure her hair, make up, and outfit was perfect, she heard her doorbell ring. She raised an eyebrow a little confused. She grabbed her from phone her bed and headed downstairs to the front door. Looking through the peephole, she smiled seeing him on the other side. She opened the door, and there he was, holding flowers. 

"You shouldn't have." She said, taking the flowers from his hands and smelling them. "They are absolutely beautiful." She said, smelling them again. 

"Not as beautiful as you are." He said, giving her the once over. She looked so different in her casual clothes versus her work attire. Either way, she was as beautiful as ever. 

"Let me put these in water and then I'll be ready to go." She told him, and he replied to her with a nod. He came into the house and watched her run off in the direction of the kitchen. She placed the flowers in a vase with some water and gave them one last sniff. "Ok. I'm ready now." She announced once she came back into the foyer area. She grabbed what she needed and they headed out of the door. He opened the car door for her and she climbed in. He was such a gentleman. She wanted to thank his mother personally for the way he was raised. He was respectful and so emotionally intelligent. Only a mother could teach a man such great traits. She hadn't run into a single red flag when it came to him. Did he most likely have some? Sure, who didn't have red flags? But as of currently? She couldn't find a single one. 

The ride to the Mini Golf establishment didn't take that long, and the place he picked was a bit more fancy than she expected. They were able to grab a nice dinner before they started their round of golf. 

"So how am I supposed to hold this?" She asked, acting as if she was helpless and had never done this before, once they started their actual game. He knew she was faking, but was he going to tell her that? No. No he wasn't. He was going to go along with her helplessness.  

He walked about behind her and pulled her into his body. "First, you need to stand like this." He said, repositioning her feet. "And then, you hold the club like this." He put the club, in the 'correct' position, and then placed his hands over hers. "And then you swing." He helped her to pull the club back and then swing it forward. "Got it?"

Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce (Tayvis) One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now