56.2: my first love.

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continuation of 'pool party.'


"I kind of miss you," Taylor told Travis over the phone from the comfort of her bed. It had been about two weeks since she met Travis, and things since then had changed drastically. She had broken up with her boyfriend the night she met him. Things hadn't gone well, and now she was living almost three hours away with her parents again.  

"You miss me? Already? I just left." Travis laughed as he switched from one lane to another. He had been back in his car maybe two hours on his way back home from where she was now living. "Saying that you gonna make me turn around and come get you." He heard her let out a giggle on the other side of the phone. He didn't know what was taking over him, but he had fallen hard for this girl in a short amount of time, and it was more than just lust for him. For the first time, he felt like he could see himself with her for more than just sexual reasons. 

"Or, I could come to you." The smile that she had on her face, Travis could almost hear it through the phone. 

"Nah, I'm not going to make you drive all that way in the dark. I'll turn around. Get us a hotel for the night, I'll Zelle you whatever it cost." He licked his lips. He didn't have any clothes with him, but he was already speeding up so that he could get to the next exit quicker so he could turn around and get back to her. 

"Are you sure? You're already so far away." Taylor said, she had already set up in her bed and grabbed her laptop. She was ready to do whatever he asked of her. She loved spending time with him. She loved talking to him. She loved that he treated her better than any of his exes had. And she knew that he was only into it originally for sex, because so was she. She wanted to feel something that her boyfriend hadn't been giving her for one night. And that one night had already turned into two weeks. Two weeks of being paid attention. Two weeks of being someone's priority. Two weeks of someone wanting to move mountains to be with her any way he could.

"Yeah, I'm about to turn around right now." He told her, seeing the exit he could take nearing. "Book the hotel, and I'll meet you there." He told her. They had spent the day together already, and he had planned to go back home and visit her again next weekend. But in all honesty, he didn't want to go. He wanted to stay with her, and spend more time with her. 



The knock on the hotel room door caused her to jump up from where she laid and run for the door. She looked through the peephole, making sure it was actually him before opening the door. A smile spread across her face as she opened the door for him. He walked in, instantly wrapping his arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck. The door closed behind them as they hugged each other tightly. Why did it seem like they hadn't seen each other in weeks when it had only been five hours? 

"I missed you." She said, causing him to squeeze her a bit tighter. She missed his energy. His aura. He was fun to be around. He was fun to talk to. His laugh was contagious. 

"Same." He replied back, finally letting her go. It was around 1 AM now, and he had been in a car for the better part of 5 hours. He released her from his grasp and she walked over to the bed that she had already been laying in and climbed in. She was already in a pair of pajamas, so it was only right that Travis started to kick off his shoes, pants, and shirt, and climb into bed with her, only wearing his boxer briefs.

"My mom was so confused when I left the house so late." She told him, with a little laugh. 

"What did she say?" He asked, pulling her into him. She made herself comfortable, draping her one of her legs over his. 

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