28.0: the great war.

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cursed you as i sleep talked.

"You can't stay mad at me for something I didn't do forever," Travis said, sliding into bed behind Taylor. Their arguments had become frequent lately, but at the very beginning of their relationship they made an agreement to never sleep in separate rooms. The decision was one that annoyed Taylor when she was actually upset and didn't want to see his face. But she also knew that many of her past relationships ended because of that very reason. She could hold a grudge forever, and once she started to drift away from someone emotionally, it was over for them. 

"You want to bet?" Taylor said, laying as close to the edge of the bed as possible. She was determined to keep to her anger. Was what she was upset about stupid? Most likely. But she didn't care not one bit about that. 

Travis grabbed her and pulled her body into his. "You can play this game all you want, but you won't win. You know that." The fights, in Travis's eyes, had been petty. There were so many worse things that could have been happening in their relationship, but she picked the tiniest things to have a problem with. It was almost to the point where he thought she was picking fight with him on purpose just for the make up sex. 

"I'm not tired anymore." She said, throwing back the covers and removing herself from the bed. She hurried out of the room, slamming the door as she left. Travis let out a big sigh, not knowing if going after her right now was a good idea or not. Maybe she just needed to calm down. Maybe she needed time to herself. 

He laid in bed, looking at the ceiling, trying to figure out what exactly he should do to fix this situation. The problem wasn't him. It was the little scenarios she made up in her head that she projected onto him. Her creative mind caused her to have the most vivid dreams. So vivid that she would wake up out of her sleeping not knowing which which reality and which was fiction. So vivid that she would talk in her sleep, saying word for word what was happening within her little dreamland. She didn't even believe she did it until one night, he recorded her. He recorded her sitting up in bed, eyes still closed, and talking out her dream. Saying every word she must have been saying to him in her dream. He never knew what to do in those situations. Should he wake her up? Or should he let the dream she was having continue and let her mind paint him in a light that was the furthest from the truth? 

This morning she had woken up, more upset than she had ever been. Taylor refused to even tell him what the dream she had was about or what happened in the little world inside her hand. Judging by the way she was acting alone, however, he knew dream him had fucked up. 

As he laid there, he began to hear piano notes playing. This was her. This was what she did. She always found her way to that piano. Music was her escape. Music was her way of processing her thoughts, her feelings, her mental state. He got up from the bed and left out of their bedroom and down the hallway. He stood at the door of the room which was both an office and a music room. He watched and listened as she played a few notes, notes that she commonly played as she sorted out her thoughts. 

"Maybe it's the past that's talking. Screaming from the crypt. Telling me to punish you for things you never did." Travis could tell by the tone of her voice she was struggling to say the word aloud. She was crying. He wanted to hug her. He wanted to tell her everything was okay, but he also knew that she needed this time on her own. His original plan was to try to comfort her, but maybe this time, she needed to comfort herself. 

He walked away from the door and back down the hall to their bedroom. She would come when she was ready. Maybe tonight would be the night that they went to sleep separately. He got back into bed, covering himself and closing his eyes. Even when he wanted to let her sort out her feelings herself, he couldn't help but think about how he could fix it. How could he change himself to make things easier on her insecurities about their relationship?

He took in a deep breath and rested there. Eyes closed but sleep nowhere near coming to him. With the house being as silent as it was, he could still hear her. Still heard the piano notes. Still heard her cries. Still heard some of the words she was saying. He could hear every time she slammed her hands on the keys, making a loud ruckus. 

Her feet could be heard shuffling back down the hallway. The door opened and closed again. It didn't take long for Travis to feel her climb into bed and under the covers. Soon enough, he felt her body laying on top of his. "Are you sleeping?" She whispered. 

He wrapped his arms around her, instantly feeling the tension in her being melt away. "No." He replied, rubbing his hands up and down her back. 

"I don't know how to compete with your exes Trav." There it was. What the arguments were about. 

"You aren't competing with them Tay. They're my exes. I'm not thinking about them. I'm not associated with them." Travis told her, truthfully. The only time he thought about his exes was when they were brought up, either in conversations with friends thinking about past adventures that were had or when Taylor brought them up. 

"I had a dream that you left me to get back with Kayla." She admitted. Her voice was still soft, still low. Usually she would have escalated again. Travis continued to running his finger tips up and down her back. 

"Baby, it was a dream. You're mind is playing tricks on you. I'm not going to cheat on you. I'm not going to leave you for my ex. She's an ex for a reason. I'm not interested in speaking to her." He told her, honestly. There was nothing about his ex that he wanted anymore. He had no reason to want her back. That ship was long gone. He had been with Taylor for almost 11 months now, and he hadn't done anything to give her the idea that he was being unfaithful. "What can I do to prove to you that I'm all about you?"

"I don't know." She wanted to cry again. She really did not know. She wished that all of her insecurities would vanish, but they were so deeply ingrained in her. Her last three relationships ended with a man cheating on her, and she just didn't want that pain again. She didn't want to go through those emotions again. 

"When you come up with something, let me know." He told her, their position never changed. "We can't have you dreaming me as a toxic man." That pulled a little laugh from her, and Travis smiled. "Are we ready to sleep now?" He had practice in the morning, and being up this late wasn't going to be good for him once he got on the field. 

"Yes." She yawned. "Can we stay like this?" She asked, referring to the position they were laying in. 

"Of course." He answered. He grabbed the covered and made sure the two of them were completely covered and comfortable. "Good night, my love."

"Good night. I love you."

"I love you, too, Taylor."

Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce (Tayvis) One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now