71.3: only one thing left to do. (m)

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continuation of series 71: (1. guilty as sin (m) and 2. cheater cheater (m))

"Trav wasn't feeling too good, so I'm bringing him some soup and stuff," Taylor told Matty over the phone, trying to hold back her moans. Was she telling the truth? Of course not, but it was something to say and a good alibi for what she was really up to. "I might just end up sleeping here tonight since it's late." Matty was away for work and wouldn't be home for a couple of days. She bit down on her lip as she continued to move up and down Travis' length, the feel of Travis' hands gripping her waist aiding in her movements. She was trying her hardest not to moan into the phone, trying her hardest not to give away what she was really doing. She was sure Matty had checked her location to see if she was where she said she was. This was the beauty of being with Travis. He was her best friend, it wasn't abnormal for her to be with him or stay at his place from time to time. He had been her best friend for years, and despite Matty's early days of trying to separate them, he had come to accept that Travis wasn't going anywhere.

"Alright, babe, let Trav know that I hope he gets better soon," Matty told her. She could hear the slight disappointment in his voice as they hung up. She shrugged and placed her phone on Trav's bedside table.  

Travis reached up, grabbing the back of Taylor's neck. He pulled her down into him, their chests meeting once again. "You did such a good job, baby." He whispered into her ear as he started to thrust his hips upward into her. "I love when you lie to him." He increased his speed, coaxing multiple whimpers and moans from her body. "I love you, Princess."

"I love you, too." She replied back automatically, her brain not processing who exactly she was talking to. The problem was, she meant it. She loved Travis; she had always loved Travis. "I'm so close," she breathed. The words came out in a low whisper as he continued to fuck her just the way he had learned she loved. Rough and fast. Her body began to shake in his arms as she bit down on his shoulder blade.  

"FUCK!" He said his reaction to both her bite and reaching his own climax. 

"Oh my God," She whispered as she let his warm cum shooting deep into her. "Oh my God," she whispered again, this time laughing into the side of his neck. "I think this time was the best time." She told him once he had finally stopped his movement. 

"You said that last time." He told her, running his fingers up and down her spine. She planted kisses on his neck and down his shoulder. "You bit the fuck out of me." He told her as she reached that part of his shoulder. 

"I sowwy," she responded in her most innocent voice. "I make it better." She placed another kiss on the spot as his fingers continued to draw paths and shapes into her back. She was so content being in his arms; there had been no other man she could just lay here with, in silence, after sex. She was always ready to get them off of her and either go to sleep or move on with her day. But here she was, with Travis, their sweaty bodies still connected, him still inside of her, and the thought of her moving was nowhere in her mind. 

"You're not going to move, are you?" Travis asked her, his other hand rubbing her ass. He let out a little laugh when she shook her head. "You must want me to wake up in the middle of the night and fuck you again."

"If that's what staying like this forever means, I'm fine with that." She let out a content sigh, feeling his dick twitch a little inside of her. "I love when you're inside of me." She whispered into his neck.

"A little me is about to be inside of you in a second." His words didn't feel terrifying. Whenever Matty said something about her getting pregnant for him, there was always a fear there. Always a bit of resistance and hesitance on her part. She was finally starting to understand why. She didn't want to be with Matty. She didn't want kids with Matty. She wanted Travis forever. She wanted her life to be with Travis. She wanted the engagement parties. The wedding rehearsals. The wedding. The love. The kids. She wanted it all to be with Travis. 

"What if we do." She said, still not moving a single muscle. "What if we do have a baby, Trav?"

"Then you're going to have to break up with Matty and move in with me. Cuz you're not about to be dating another man while carrying my baby, Taylor." He said. His voice was so serious, and she wasn't sure she had ever heard this side of him before. Travis was always silly and crazy. Always making people laugh and causing goofy trouble. "Are you saying you're pregnant, Tay?" His tone softened a bit, and his fingers tracing her back stopped moving. "Are we having a baby?" 

"I... I don't know yet." She replied after moments of being silent.

"Could the baby be for him?" Travis asked. 

"I haven't had sex with him in months. I've only been with you." Ever since that first night, they had sex in her kitchen, Taylor hadn't even looked at Matty twice. It was most likely part of his disappointment when they got off the phone. She had a feeling he knew what was going on, but just didn't want to say anything. He didn't want to lose her. He needed her way more than she would ever need him. 

"We'll get you a pregnancy test tomorrow, then," Travis said, running his fingers along her back again. "Once that happens, we'll take things from there." 

"I love you, Trav." She told him, meaning every single word of it. 

"I love you, too, Princess. Always have." He kissed the top of her head and pulled the covers over the two of them. "You're mine; you've always been mine, even when you didn't want to be." He had been waiting for this moment between them to happen for so long. Who would have thought that her telling him about a dream she had would lead to this, lead to them finally exploring the sexual tension they had shared since the day they met.

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