57.3: baby talk.

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continuation of series 57: ( 1. sour moods and 2. sad, beautiful, magic  )

"Run Tessie, run!" Isiah called out to the little one, who was holding a football that looked as if it was more than half her size. The little one ran as fast as she could from Isiah, trying to get to her daddy. The little one giggled as her little blonde curls bounced on her head. When she reached the endzone, Travis scooped her up. 

"Touchdown!!" He yelled. Tessa threw the ball down to the ground, just like Travis would when he got touchdowns. The little one danced in her father's arms, making both of the men laugh. 

"I winned the game, like daddy!" The little girl squealed. Practice was always more fun when Travis was able to bring Tessa along. With Taylor currently working on music in both Nashville and New York, Travis was on all-day daddy duty more often the last few weeks. In the beginning, it being just the two of them was rough, but slowly Travis got used to life with Taylor away. He still hadn't mastered the art of cooking, so Taylor's premade meals for the two of them were still very much necessary.  


Getting back in the locker room, Travis picked up his phone from where he had left it, sitting on the bottom part of his locker. He noticed a couple of texts from Taylor, and a smile lifted to his face. He opened the text, seeing a picture of baby clothes with the message: 

'It's so cute, I want to get it.'

Travis laughed at his wife's message. He had to admit that the little outfit that would be for an infant girl was adorable, and he could picture Tessa in it if it were her size. 

'It is adorable, baby, but that is way too small for Tess.'

He put his phone down. With Tessa with Coach Reid, he was going to take a quick shower and get dressed. Being on a team and in a facility with people that felt like family was always great. He knew no matter who she was with, Tessa was in great hands. He got up form where he was sitting and headed for the showers. It took him no time to clean himself up and wrap himself in a tower. His first thought was to get back to his phone. To see what Taylor said back to him. 

'Maybe it can be for our next baby.'

A smile spread across his face and he licked his lips. They hadn't talked about having another child at all recently, but he felt like that line was opening the door for the conversation. 

'Are you saying we need to talk to Tree about working a baby into your busy schedule?'

Travis knew her schedule was pretty packed for the next couple of months to a year. If she wanted another baby, they would have to plan around what she already had going on and pray that when they tried to conceive, it worked the first time or another round of waiting would happen. 

'Or we can pretend it was an accident.'


"We gonna talk about it?" Travis asked as he climbed into bed next to Taylor. She had gotten back from her recording sessions in New York today, and neither of them have said much about one of the last text she had sent him. 

"Talk about what?" Taylor asked as she cuddled up to her husband for the first time in about a week. It felt so good to be back at home in her bed, with her daughter and her man. Travis wrapped her in his arms and turned off the light on his bedside table. 

"About your text," Travis said. He covered the two of them, knowing that this conversation would eventually take them right into dreamland. He was tired of dealing with Tessa by himself all day on top of practice, and Taylor was tired from travel. "The one about pretending you got pregnant on accident. What's that about?" He asked. His hand had gone to her hair, stoking her locks softly. It was one of the things that relaxed her, and was sure to put her to sleep. 

"I just don't want to have to plan it out. I just want it to happen, like with Tessa. Why should we have a calendar dictate when our new addition comes into the world?" It was clear she had thought about this on more than one occasion. "If I get pregnant and I'm touring, it will be okay. It will be okay if I'm not off. That's just something I don't think I want to write into my schedule." Travis nodded. What he was saying made sense. What she was saying sounded perfect to him. 

"Then let's not tell her. Let's just say we're not trying, but if it happens, it happens. How about that?" He asked her. 

"I like that." She drew little hearts into his chest with her finger as her eyes slowly started to get heavy. "I like that a lot." Travis kissed the top of her head. He liked that idea too. Not everything about their life needed to be planned out to the exact date and time. Some things could very much just happen. Maybe it was time to stop letting her schedule dictate their lives. Knowing her precise location in the year 2027 may have been helpful, but it was also unrealistic. Anything could happen, and they needed to start living their lives like anything could happen. 

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