24.1: you're losing me (tw)

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"Hi Mom." Taylor said into the phone as she looked through the kitchen cabinets of the house she shared with her fiance and their two kids.

"Hi sweetheart. How are you?" Her mom asked. Taylor could tell her mom was probably on her way home from work or on her way to work. She could hear the car moving along the road through the phone. Maybe she should have went with her first mind and called one of her friends instead.

"I'm fine. Are you on your way home by any chance?" She asked, mentally crossing her fingers.

"No dear, on my way to work. Why? What's wrong?" Taylor let out a little sigh.

"Nothing's wrong. I was just going to ask you if could watch the kids tonight, is all." She heard her mother let out a breath. Uh oh. Not a good sign. She was about to get an earful of logic she didn't want to hear.

"What's so important?" Taylor could hear the overwhelming amount of concern in her mother's voice. She was always like this lately when Taylor asked her for favors. She wasn't sure why she didn't just expect it at this point, but it still caught her a bit off guard.

"I just wanted to have a night for me and Trav, that's all." She tried to explain.

"Taylor Alison..." She cringed hearing her mother call her by her full name. It wasn't something that happened too often. She got so use to being called Taylor or Tay that whenever she heard herself being referred to as Taylor Alison she knew she was in some type of predicament. Right now, however, she knew she was about to get a lecture about her relationship with Travis. It was her mother's number one topic for phone conversations, especially as of late.

"Mom, please. I don't need to hear this right now." She tried to silence her before she started, but of course, her mother was her mother and was going to tell her whatever she wanted her to hear regardless of what she wanted.

"Tay, he has you hanging on to empty promises. You and I both know that the only reason he proposed to you is because he knew he was losing you. He knew proposing would pull you right back in. He doesn't want to marry you, dear. I know it's hard to hear, sweetie, but you have to believe that you deserve better than this." Taylor just listened, it was all she could do. She could almost recite her mother's rant word for word at this point. Even with the wording differences, the message was always the same: leave her fiance, the person she had been with for almost 10 years now, and find someone new who treated her "better."

"Ok. Bye mom, the baby's crying." She just heard her mother say goodbye on the other end of the phone before it went silent. Since her mom wasn't going to be able to watch the kids, she would just have to ask Blake or Abigail. They were always willing to have little sleepovers with the her kids and theirs. Sending a quick text in their "Mommies" group chat. The three of them had a group strictly for talking about their kids so that Selena wasn't bombarded with messages that she couldn't relate to.

From Taylor: I want to do something special for Trav tonight, one of you mind watching the kids?

From Abigail 😎: Sure! Layla would love to have a sleepover with Michaela 

From Blake 😇: We should just have a sleepover with the girls together, because I refuse to be left out.

From Taylor: So, that's a yes?

From Abigail 😎: Yes

From Blake 😇: Yes

From Taylor: Thanks babes, you're the best.

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