66.0: big reputation.

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"I heard she has a crush on you." Patrick mentioned to Travis with a small smirk on his face. Travis could do nothing but laugh. It wasn't like he hadn't heard the rumors himself, but it was weird hearing it form one of his best friends, especially Patrick.

"That would make sense to why her boyfriend hates me, wouldn't it?" Travis asked, laughing a little. Travis looked over the table where the blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl was sitting with her friends.

"You're making that up, Trav." Chris replied, taking a bite out of a chicken nugget. Chris's statement caused both Travis and Patrick to lookat him with a raised eyebrow. Chris was the more naive one of the three of them and sometimes he just didn't pick up subtle hints, even if the hints were thrown in his face.

"Nah, he actually hates me. He's always giving me weird looks." Travis told them, shrugging his shoulders a bit. It didn't bother his, it wasn't abnormal for people to dislike him for strange reasons. It was all apart of the reputation that he held.

Travis looked over at the table of girls once again, only this time his eyes connected with the blonde, who gave her a smile, which Travis returned. "What was that?" Travis directed his attention back to Chris, who had obviously caught Travis and the blonde looking at each other.

"Listen, Taylor's into you. I don't know why she's still pretending to be interested in this Joe dude." Patrick told the two of them. Patrick had his ear in everybody's business on campus and of course, he came back with information to share with his two best friends all too often.

"I'm surprised you haven't heard a reason why yet." Travis joked.

"She hasn't told anyone, I'm assuming," Patrick replied. He only knew as much as people said or posted on their social media accounts, and as far as he knew, Taylor hadn't even hinted at why she was still in a relationship she clearly wasn't feeling. 

"Maybe she wants to keep up the illusion or something," Chris stated.

"Most obvious reason, honestly." Travis co-signed.

"Patrick, I think we should go. Our class starts in five minutes, and we still need to make it across campus." Chris said as she started to gather his trash into a pile and grabbed his things.

"Oh shit," Patrick replied in a bit of a panic as he looked at the time on his phone.

"You go, I can throw everything away." Travis offered so that the two of them could just get their books and go instead of having to fool around with the trash from the lunch they had.

"Thanks, Trav. You're the best!" Chris told him as the two of them got their things and hurried out of the Student Union so that they could be on their way to class. As the two of them filed out, a number of other people also filed out. The hour right after lunch seemed to be a popular time for class, and the Student Union typically emptied out with only a few people remaining. Travis got up from his seat, gathered up the trash the three of them had made, and threw it in the nearest trash can. He got back to the table he was at and took his seat again. He was done with classes for the day, and was planning on just waiting until Patrick and Chris got out of class before he headed back to the dorms. He pulled his laptop and one of his textbooks from his book bag and decided on doing some homework to pass the time.

As he started to work on his assignment that was due sometime in the coming week, he heard a pair of footsteps approach him. "Who knew the school's bad boy was actually studious." Travis looked up from the laptop and at the person speaking, a smirk present on his face.

"Who knew little Miss Popular approached people outside of her friend group." Travis noticed Taylor roll her eyes and smile. Her smile was absolutely beautiful and it wasn't something he noticed before for whatever reason. Taylor took a seat in an empty chair at the table.

"I would approach you more if you weren't always around people," Taylor admitted. Travis raised an eyebrow at her statement as he closed his laptop. He leaned forward on the table so that he and Taylor were a bit closer to each other.

"And why would you want to approach me, Ms. Swift?" Travis asked, genuinely amused by the direction of this conversation.

"Because I want to get to know you, Mr. Kelce." Travis let out a little laugh.

"Why?" He wanted to see what she was getting at. Travis already knew what Patrick had said about Taylor possibly having a crush on him, but she wanted to hear it in Taylor's voice. He also just really liked hearing people fawn over him.

"Because I like you," Taylor replied.

"How can you like me when you don't know me?" Travis asked, his smile still very much present so that Taylor didn't get nervous about his reply. The two had never spoken before; they had just exchanged glances in passing. There was no doubt in his mind that Taylor was a beautiful girl, but his feelings for the girl didn't go beyond being sexually attracted to her.

"I've heard some things."

"Hopefully, good things." Travis watched Taylor shrug as he said the words. "Can't say I didn't hear a couple of things about you." Travis could tell that, somehow, her statement made Taylor think.

"What have you heard?" Taylor asked, obviously curious as to what Travis meant.

"I don't like to disclose information or my sources, so..." Taylor's facial expression changed from innocent to massively turned on by Travis's statement in a matter of seconds.

"You're a mysterious one. I like it very much." The look on Taylor's face alone was all the confirmation that Travis needed that this girl was into him. "Do you want to know what I heard about you?"

"Not really." Travis let out a little laugh. He was pretty well aware of what people around campus thought about him, so anything Taylor said wouldn't be a surprise to him. "The bad boy thing was enough."

"You're going to make me work for this, aren't you?" The smirk on Travis's face turned to a devilish grin.

"Yes. " Travis knew typically things came along easily for Taylor, but Travis wasn't an easy person to win over. If Taylor wanted to know him as much as she was making it out to be, then she was going to have to try her hardest to prove it. Travis loved watching people suffer, even if the suffering was only mild.

"Well, I'm going to get you. Somehow." Taylor stated as she rose from the table. "I'll see you around Travis."

"I'm sure you will." Travis replied as Taylor started to walk away from him. This was going to be an exciting pursuit for both of them. 

to be continued (eventually lol)

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