69.0: control. (m)

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a/n: taylor is british and in a girl group in this one shot.

Taylor couldn't wait to get back to him. It had been about a month and a half since she last saw him. It was wild how they barely saw each other, yet their connection was still just as strong as ever. She guessed it was true what people said; that distance made the heart grow fonder because every time she got off the plane in America, she felt those same butterflies she felt the first time they met.

Seeing as she already had things at his place, having an extra bag wasn't necessary. With her backpack over one shoulder, she walked towards where she would be exiting, looking down at her phone to see if Travis texted her, saying that he was there. When she noticed there was no text, she frowned down at her phone. Maybe he was stuck in traffic or something, he said he would be there the second she got off the plane, and since her flight was a bit delayed she had hoped he would be here already. She sent him a quick text, letting him know she had landed, and then let out a quick sigh.

As she walked, she decided to text the her friends back in their group text, letting them know she had gotten to America safely. As she texted, she felt an arm wrap around her, causing her to jump in shock. She turned around, knowing the familiar feel of his hold. A smile on her face, she wrapped her arms around his neck, as he lifted her up. With her feet off of the floor, she wrapped her legs around his waist. "I missed you so much." She told him, planting a kiss on his lips.

"I missed you too, babe." He told her, kissing her again, this time more passionately than the first kiss they shared. It had been a long month and a half without her, and he was happy to have her back in his grasp. Being without her was getting harder and harder for him since all he wanted was for them to be together every waking second of the day, but they both had careers to tend to. With her band being as busy as they were right now with their new album release and him being at the tail end of the football season, seeing each other was tossed to the side due to their schedules. Luckily, he had a home game this week, and she was free for a few days, so she wanted to spend it with him in America. He attempted to put her down so that he could give her the flowers he had in his other hand, but it was as if she was stuck to him. He let out a laugh and simply started to walk with her attached to him, her head resting on his shoulder. "You're a big baby." He heard her giggle as he walked out of the airport and to his car which wasn't too far away in the parking lot.

"But you love me." She told him, finally removing her legs from around his waist once they got to his car.

"You're right, I do." He told her, leaning her against his car. He missed being this close to her, he missed being able to touch her. Facetime was awesome and all, but it was nothing like being able to see her in person.

"Are those for me?" Taylor asked, noticing the flowers that were in his hand that she hadn't seen before.

"Who else would they be for?" He responded. He leaned down to place a kiss to her lips.

"I don't know." She replied in a sing-song manner. She knew they were for her, but asking never hurt. He handed her the bouquet. "They're beautiful, Thank you." Standing on her toes, she tried to reach his lips, but failed. Their height difference made it difficult for her to steal kisses when she wanted to. She frowned, which made him laugh at her. He made up for the distance and pecked her lips.

"Alright, get in." He said as he opened the passenger door, taking her backpack from her as she did so. He put her bag in the back seat and walked around the car to get in himself. He pulled out of the parking spot and eventually onto the road before his hand went to its usual spot when she was by his side in the car, her inner thigh.

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