16.5: the superbowl.

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continuation of can i be him?, high infidelity., end of all the endings., and new heights. 

Sitting on her hotel bed, she watched him pack up the few things he needed. She hated this. She hated that they had to sleep apart, but she understood. She understood his coaches just wanted him to perform at his best, especially since tomorrow was the biggest game of the season.

"Alright." He said walking over to her, and bending down to kiss her. He didn't want to leave her, he wanted to get his night's rest with his girl cuddled into him. That was how he was the most comfortable when he was closest to her.  Tomorrow was the big game, and he was nervous. More nervous than he ever thought he would be. He had been on this stage three other times before, once they lost,  once was with this brother, but he just didn't understand why he was so nervous now. Maybe because so much was on the line now. If he won this game, his plan was to retire. Fall out of the football scene for a year or two, and then maybe come back as a game-day media man. He didn't know. He still had time to think about it. 

"You're going to do great baby." She told him, sensing the worry in his demeanor. "Y'all got this."

"Kelce, let's go!" He heard one of his teammates yell from the hallway. Their wives and girlfriends were also staying on the same floor as Taylor, which was good. 

"I love you, babe." He kissed her again, trying to prolong leaving. God, he hated to leave her. 

"I love you, too. So much." She told him, she placed her hands on the sides of his face, looking him in his green eyes. "Y'all are going to win. I just know it. I believe in you and the guys." She told him, a smile on her face. She was trying to get him to relax, but it was obviously not working. 

"Kelce!" The voice came again from outside of the door.

"I gotta go." He said and she frowned. He kissed her one more time and then leaned down more and kissed her growing belly. She was 6 months pregnant, with twins, and somehow she was still small enough to hide away her growing belly with oversized sweatshirts. Luckily, it was winter and sweatshirts were acceptable in every state she traveled to. If she was still on tour she had no idea how she would have kept this secret from the public for so long. Tomorrow, however, the secret would most likely be out for the world. Not only was she pregnant, but she was married. They may have been public about their relationship and being together, but the details and ins and outs of their relationship were very much private. Their wedding was small and only their closest family and friends knew about it. They both knew they had real people in their corner when nothing leaked, and nothing was hinted at when their friends were faced with questions in interviews. 

With her hand in his, she walked with him to the door. He opened it only to be faced with some of his teammates standing there. "We thought we were going to have to come in and get you." They laughed and Travis barely cracked a smile. She knew he was upset about having to leave, but she didn't know he was THIS upset. She frowned. 

"Bye. I love you." She said, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him. He rubbed her ever-growing belly. 

"I love you too baby." He said, kissing her a few more times before he started to walk away with his teammates. 

"You acting like you're never gonna see her again man." One of his teammates joked. She wondered what the hell was going on in his head today. Why was he so disconnected today. 


"What's wrong. I'm worried about you." Taylor said told him over their FaceTime call. "You're so quiet today. I don't like seeing your like this."

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