24.2: let's get married.

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continuation of you're losing me


i wanna come home to you and only you cause making love to just anyone ain't happening. i just gotta be with you. do you think about us finishing something we started so long ago? i wanna give you my all.

"Taylor, you look beautiful," Blake told Taylor with a smile on her face. Taylor was trying her hardest not to let tears escape from her eyes. Today was the day, the day that she and Travis were getting married. It had been little over two years since he made a promise to her to change his ways, and shockingly he had done it. Ever since that day, he had been faithful to her and their girls. Their fighting still carried on for a couple of months after, but they worked at it. It took Taylor almost a year to be as trusting as she was at the very beginning of their relationship, which was a shorter amount of time than she expected. He had done so much for her and the girls since that day, and he had overall become a better man. He even proposed to her again, saying that the first proposal had been tainted by all his wrongdoings and that the ring she had was nothing but a reminder of all the bad he had done. Her ring now was bigger and more beautiful than the first, and she admired and loved it even more.

"Thank you, Blake," She told her maid of honor, as she looked in the mirror at herself. She couldn't believe this was happening. After everything and the many possible ends to their relationship, she was standing here in a wedding dress, less than a half hour away from marrying the love of her life.

"Tay, Travis is at the door." Taylor heard Selena's voice call to her. She turned and looked in the direction of the door.

"What is he doing?" She asked more to herself than anyone else. They hadn't seen each other for almost two days now, and she was just as eager to see him as he was to see her. She walked over to the door and opened it slightly. "Hi babe." She said to the void space. He had himself leaning against the wall so he couldn't see her.

"Are you ready for this?" He asked. She leaned against the wall herself and reached for his hand. He took it, and suddenly any bit of nervous energy she was feeling was slowly disappearing.

"Yeah." She answered. She let out a sigh as his fingers intertwined with hers. He was literally everything to her, and she couldn't be more happy and excited to soon become Mrs. Travis Kelce. She was so proud of him and the man he had turned into over the last two years.

"I can't wait to see how beautiful you look in your dress." He added.

"Are you going to cry when you see me?" Taylor asked with a laugh.

"I might, you never know." He let out a laugh himself. His emotions had changed so much. Before he got his act together, he came off as the coldest person if it didn't relate to his daughters, but now, the smallest thing made him cry. He was almost sure that he would cry seeing Taylor for the first time in days and he wouldn't regret one tear that fell from his eyes if he did. "I love you, babe. Not long now before you become Mrs. Me."

"I love you too, my love, and I can't wait to become Mrs. You." A large smile was plastered on her face. This had to be the happiest she had been in the longest time. She never thought she would see this day. A day where she was genuinely happy again. A day where she was actually marrying Travis. A day where her little girls would have a family that wasn't a broken mess. Today was going to be the perfect day.


"On behalf of the bride and groom, we'd like to thank everyone for coming, and supporting our newlyweds." Blake, being the maid of honor, had been elected to speak. Luckily, every speech had been given. and every toast was done, but there was still one last thing to be seen. A video Blake had been working on to be shown tonight. "Before we all get to boogieing, we have one more thing that the bride and groom would like to share with all of you." While Taylor knew how this video Blake had prepared would end, she had no idea what else she had put in it.

The lights dimmed in the hall as the video began to play on a screen large enough for everyone to see. Only a few seconds into the video and Taylor already had tears emerging from her eyes as videos of both she and Travis's loved ones appeared on the screen speaking words of wisdom they could use within their marriage and congratulating them along with pictures of them throughout both of their lives and relationship together.

"We love you mommy and daddy!" Micheala and Alyssa yelled together out of sync with the biggest smiles on their faces. Taylor wiped more tears from her eyes. She had been doing so periodically throughout the whole video but seeing her girls made even more fall. She couldn't believe her two little girls had grown so much. Alyssa was already 3 and Michaela was 5 and had just finished kindergarten. She couldn't believe how big they had gotten so quickly. She smiled when the last bit popped up on the screen, which caused a few people to grasp. The words "February 14th, Baby Boy Kelce." flashed on the screen with a picture of an ultrasound.

"Oh my God, Tay!" Her mother, who was sitting right next to her, almost yelled, hugging her daughter. "Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant."

"We wanted it to be a surprise, only Blake knew," Taylor informed her mother. She wasn't that far along, and she was happy she waited to tell anyone outside of her husband and best friend. Today was the beginning of a brand new chapter of her life and she couldn't be happier in this moment as people started to walk up to her and congratulate her on her pregnancy. 

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