23.2: two weeks is a long time.

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continuation of you worry me (tw).


Taylor could not wait to be in his arms again. After two weeks in a completely different country, all she wanted was to be in bed or on the couch cuddling with her man. Talking on FaceTime just wasn't enough. She wanted to be in his space. If she could, she would probably be in his skin. She had already missed being with him for Thanksgiving, but she had plans to make it up to him. 

Once she ran off stage, she didn't even bother changing clothes. She wanted to get going. She wanted to make it to Kansas City before he went to practice, hopefully able to get in some kisses and cuddles before he got his day started. She climbed into the car and took out her phone, FaceTiming him. She knew he was about three hours behind her time-wise. She smiled when he answered. "What are you eating?" She asked, seeing him with a fork in his hand and a bowl in front of him. 

"Noodles." He said, shrugging his shoulders. 

"What happened to what I cooked for you before I left?" She asked. She made sure she made enough food to last him the two weeks she was away.

"I ate it, baby. I finished the last of that broccoli stuff a few mornings ago for breakfast. It was really good."

"You ate it for breakfast?" She asked, laughing. Those meals were meant for dinners and maybe lunches. But here he was, eating it for breakfast. 

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" He asked her. He didn't stop himself from eating certain foods just because it wasn't deemed breakfast food. Food was food. If it was tasty, he was going to eat it. 

"It was for dinners and lunches, babe."

"Oh. Well. I ate it for breakfast. It was good. I've been out of that for like 3 days." She was shocked and her jaw dropped. 

"What have you been eating? Why didn't you say anything?" Now she was upset that he wasn't eating anything good the last few days, and she felt bad. 

"Noodles." He told her, laughing. "Hey. I ate a lot of noodles before you came into my life, you've been spoiling me with these meals. It's ok that I've had noodles the last few days. I'll be eating well again once we get to your families for this belated Thanksgiving Dinner." Taylor frowned and Travis laughed. "Anyway, how was your show, baby?" He asked. Changing the subject was the best way to distract Taylor from what she was hyperfocused on. 

"It was good. Can't wait to get on the plane, take a shower, sleep, and get home to you." She said, making a list of everything she needed to do. Flying overnight was going to be so quick. By the time she woke up, she would have most likely have landed in Florida, so that she could go through customs, and the next stop would be a 2 hour flight to her man. "I just want to be held."

"You know I'm down for all the holding." Having had a home game that took place at noon, meant he was all done for the day and he had all the time in the world when she got in to be with her once she got there. "And I don't have practice tomorrow, so we have the whole day to lay around and do nothing."

"Really?!" She was so excited to hear that. She thought he would be gone most of the day, due to his practices. 

"I'm all yours tomorrow." She was so relieved to hear that. She didn't feel as rushed now. they talked about how things had been going with him throughout the day. They talked about her show. They talked about how lively the crowd in Brazil had been. They just talked, until she reached the airport. 

"We made it." She told him. "I'll see you in like 13 hours!" They said their goodbyes and she loaded onto her plane with her things and some of her crew and her father.  She couldn't wait to be back in his arms, and the only think standing between that was this plane ride. 


She bypassed heading to New York and gathering some of her belongings. She would just have someone go and grab her some things and mail them to her. She just wanted to be with him. She knocked on the door, upset that she had forgotten the key to his place in New York the last time she was there, and waited for him to open the door. 

"Good morning, beautiful." Travis wore a smile on his face as he opened the door. She jumped into his arms and he wrapped his arms around her tightly, as they kissed. Damn, he missed her. He missed holding her. He missed kissing her. He missed her presence in his home even if they were nowhere near each other and talking at the moment. She had an aura about her that calmed him, that made him feel at peace. An aura he had never surrounded himself with and he just knew things were different when it came to her. "I missed you, so much," He told her between kisses, lifting her feet from the ground as he hugged her tight and spun her a bit.

"I missed you, more." He kissed her forehead and pulled her into the house, closing the door behind them. "I can't wait to just be in bed all day."

"Before you get in bed, you think you can eat some food? I got us french toast from iHop." Travis wasn't a cook by any means, but he could order the hell out of some DoorDash. Also, he knew Taylor probably slept most of her flight and hadn't eaten anything much since before her show yesterday. 

"Yes. Can we eat it in bed? I really want to be comfortable." That was her thing. Once she was coming down from her high of being on stage for 3-6 days straight, all she wanted was to lay down and sleep. She also just wanted to be held and babied, which Travis was extremely good at doing. 

"Of course, babe. You can head on up, make yourself comfortable, and I'll be up with the food." This whole conversation took place in the entryway, with her in his arms. You would think they hadn't seen each other in months the way they held on to each other, but it had only been two weeks. Two weeks of FaceTime calls and texting. They were both happy to be back in the presence of each other. 

Travis let her go and kissed the top of her head. She smiled and headed up the stairs. Having had taken a shower on the jet, she decided on just changing into a comfy pair of pajamas that she had in one of his drawers from the last time she was there. She threw them on and climbed into his bed, making herself comfortable in the spot that was reserved for her. She let the covers swallow her instantly, and she closed her eyes, relaxing. Everything about his bed felt good. It felt like home. 

"Alright. I got everything." Travis said as he walked into the room. He walked over to the bed, seeing that she was all snuggled in the blankets. He let out a small laugh. "You comfy?" He asked, receiving no response.  "Tay?" He called. He placed the tray of food down on the bed, and peeled back the covers a bit. She was asleep. She had fallen asleep in a matter of minutes. He placed the covers back over her, and kissed the top of her head. He was going to let her sleep. She had had a long few weeks, and she deserved the rest. She could eat later. He put the food to the side and covered it with a napkin. It would be there when she woke up. 

Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce (Tayvis) One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now