57.1: sour moods.

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Taylor made sure to stay away from the front of the suite for the entire game. She wasn't in the mood to be on camera every time Travis had a good play or scored a touchdown. She had been fighting back tears for the majority of the game. Every time his name was mentioned it just brought her back to the night before and the fight they had. Before he left for the team hotel, they had a screaming match unlike any other. He left pissed and she went to bed crying. They hadn't texted or talked to each other throughout the night and seeing him this morning when he came in the house to get ready for the game, still didn't help anything.

"You still coming to the game?" Those were the only words he had spoken to her that morning. She simply replied with a nod and went about getting herself and their 2-year-old daughter ready for the day. He got himself dressed and left without saying even a simple 'goodbye' to her, which made her heart sink. They could both be petty, they could both hold grudges for months on end, but that? That made her feel as if she meant nothing. That this fight was bigger than any of the others. 

As she sat in the suite, she went back and forth, drafting a text message to Travis. A message that had been on her mind since he left the house without a word this morning. When she finished it. She let it sit. She let it linger. She glanced up at the TV, in the suite, seeing Travis drop another pass, and take off his helmet. She watched him throw it on the sidelines and plopped down on the bench. The tears were streaming down her own face. Knowing he was upset because of her. Knowing that his performance today was because they were upset with each other.

She finally hit send sometime during halftime. Putting her head down on the table she was seated at, and letting her tears flow freely for a bit. 

I love you, but if we're going to keep fighting the way we have been the last couple of weeks, it might be best if we give each other some space. This isn't healthy for either of us, and it's especially not healthy for Tessa. She can't keep seeing us like this. She may be young but she is so smart and remembers every little thing. All I'm asking for is more time with you, just you. Not you and Tessa. Not you and your family. Not you and our friends. Just you. And you're making me feel as if my request is crazy. Like I'm crazy. I just want to spend time with my husband by myself, and I don't understand how that is asking for too much. Please tell me how that is too much. Sex is great, my God it's great, but it's not enough to hold us together, Trav. If you can make time for everything else, you should be able to make time for me and only me. 

"Taylor? You ok?" She heard Aric's voice, and felt a hand on her back, rubbing it gently, trying to comfort her. The answer was obvious, but she knew he meant well. She sat up, wiping her tears quickly. 

"I'm fine." She said, her voice cracking as she spoke the words. He pulled her into a hug, not bothering to push the issue. If she wanted to talk she would

Watching him throughout the rest of the game was painful. The expressions on his face let her know he was still frustrated. He was still thinking about them. He hadn't snapped into game mode, and it was still affecting his game. Every dropped pass resulted in him throwing a fit on the field. He sat out for multiple drives, most likely trying to get himself together, but he couldn't. His terrible mood and terrible performance were most likely part of the reason the Chiefs lost, horribly. 

After the game had finished, Taylor and the others made their way to the family area to wait for Travis. Brittany was seated beside her. Taylor could tell she wanted to ask her what was going on, but the silence between held a thick, fog, like tension around them. "I don't know what's going on, and I won't ask, but I hope it gets better." Brittany finally said after a few minutes of sitting there. 

"Thanks." Taylor replied, not even looking over at Brittany, not to be rude but because she just couldn't. If she did she might cry again, and she didn't need that before they walked out of the stadium. She knew there would be cameras on them. She knew that their pictures would be taken or someone would be recording them as they left. She needed to hold it together until they got to the car. 

"Daddy!" Tessa screamed the second she saw Travis walk into the family room. She ran to him, holding her arms up. Travis gave her a small smile and scooped her up in his arms. "Daddy, you no catch good today." The almost 3-year-old told her father. The comment from the baby made the few people who were still hanging around laugh. 

"I know, sometimes daddy has an off game." He laughed a little as well. Seeing his curly-headed, blonde-haired, blue-eyed baby girl understand football at such an early age wasn't something he expected. "Let's go." Travis said, directed at Taylor. A cold shiver shot down her spine, hearing his tone, and hearing his words. She hated when he was cold towards her. It never happened often, but when it did, she knew they were in for a long few days. She got up from where she was sitting and walked close to him. 

To her surprise, his free hand slipped into hers, his thumb instantly rubbing against her knuckles in a comforting way. She glanced up at his face, unable to read his exact expression. Was he upset? Was he getting over it? As they walked out of the stadium, she kept her head low, watching her feet more than what was in front of her. She could hear the soft clicks of cameras taking pictures of them, and she just knew the images would be directed by fans in the coming hours. And the way her fans were? She knew they were going to pick up on every bit of sadness in the both of them. 

When they finally got to his car, Taylor was relieved. Happy that there were no more cameras, and they were on their way home. On their way to a semi-safe place. The place didn't feel so safe with the built-up animosity it currently possessed. Travis opened her car door, and she got in as he put Tessa in her car seat. The ride home was silent, so silent that Taylor was surprised Tessa wasn't babbling away about the game and being able to play with her "cousins" (aka Brittany and Patrick's kids). Taylor glanced back once at her daughter, seeing her staring out of the window, watching the trees and city lights wiz by. She was picking up on her parents' vibes, and following suit. Already learning survival skills for when they were fighting so that she didn't get caught in the crossfires. The thought stung. The thought of their disagreements affecting her, at such a young age, hurt. And maybe... maybe they did need a break... no matter how much Taylor didn't want that.

to be continued 

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