13.1: it's time to go. (tw)

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"Who the fuck is Harry, Taylor?" she heard his voice shout for the 3rd time in a row. She was avoiding the question, which she shouldn't have been doing. She could see his rage building up in his eyes as he inched closer and closer to her. She knew it was coming. She knew it was about to happen and all she could do was try her best to block every swing to the best of her ability. He was so much bigger than she was. Her stature was no match for his almost 6'2" one. He towered over her practically and she feared him. He knew she feared him. "Answer me!" His voice was louder. She had already shut down. She didn't do well with yelling and screaming, she never had. She couldn't even explain how she got herself into this relationship with someone that reminded her so much of what she hated about her parents relationship.

Everything turned into a blur soon enough. She could hear his voice but she couldn't make out his words anymore. She could only feel the licks he was sending her way. She balled herself on the floor, trying to shield herself from the blows as the tears from the pain started to roll down her face. She tried her hardest not to let an audible sob escape her body, knowing it would only make it worse. She stayed as still as possible, just waiting for it to end. Finally, it did, and she heard his footsteps again, but she still didn't move. The sound of glass shattered startled her causing her to jump out of her skin. She looked up, seeing his feet leave the kitchen. He was still mumbling as he moved about the house. She stayed in her spot on the floor, looking at the broken glass from the window scattered across the floor in front of her. She heard his footsteps nearing her again, but thankfully they didn't stop until she heard the front door open and close again. She listened closely, hearing the sound of the car they shared start and then drive away.

She pulled herself up from the floor and limped from the kitchen, careful not to step on any glass, finding her phone on the living room floor, the screen broken from when he threw it against the wall after reading a couple of text messages from a guy she met when she went out with a few friends a couple of nights back. In a few short days, Harry had made her actually feel as if she was cared about and wanted. It was sad to say that a guy she had known for a matter of days treated her like an absolute princess via text messages while the guy she had been with for the better part of 5 years made her feel like a piece of shit and a waste of space.

She went through her contacts, moving her fingers along the broken screen as quickly as she could without cutting herself until she found the person she wanted most right now. The person he tried to convince her hated her more than anything in the world. She hit the contact information faster than she would have little over 5 years ago, when everything was perfect. She heard the voice come through the phone, sending a wave of relief over her.

"Trav?" She didn't know why she was asking. She knew his voice.

"What's wrong?" Travis was literally Taylor's best friend and somehow over the course of her relationship, their friendship had slowly started to turn. Little things he said made her believe that Travis was only her friend out of pity. According to him, Travis simply "didn't have time" for the "fake friendship" she had with the him now that he was doing so great for himself in the NFL. Even her relationships with her other girl friends were crumbling, but they were still more intact than the one she now had with Travis.

"Can you come get me please?" Every sob she had held in while he was moving around the house escaped as she asked the question. Every bit of pain she had been holding in for the last 5 years when it came to her friendship with Travis were in those sobs. Everything she needed to say and apologize for when it came to her relationship with the other girls she once shared a dorm with released itself. She couldn't even speak, only make small noises in reply to what Travis said on the other end of the phone.

"I'm on my way." Travis's voice was frantic, the amount of worry clear in his voice. Taylor tried to get out a weak 'please hurry' but failed. "Tay, listen to me. Okay? Go pack some clothes. I'm coming, okay?" Taylor could hear Travis scrambling on the other end of the phone, probably trying to get his keys and things he needed so he could leave.

"Okay." Taylor replied somehow. She didn't want to hang up the phone. She wanted to stay connected to Travis, after so many years of not talking. After so many years of thinking he didn't care. She dragged her feet along the carpet as she tried to get up the stairs to do as Travis said.

"I love you. I'm on my way." She heard him say again. It was as if Travis was trying his hardest to make sure Taylor knew he was serious. Right now, even though he didn't know it, she needed that reinforcement. She needed to know that he cared about her, that he loved her, if only in a friendly way. That all the years of hearing the opposite, that the love they had for each other was still there and strong even if they hadn't spoken in only God knows how long.

"I love you, too." Taylor whispered back. She was in the room she shared with him.

"I'll be there in a few, okay? I want you to get off your phone, and reset it and leave it there. I'm not letting you go back there." She didn't know how Travis knew what had been going on with the little that she had ever said about her relationship with him, but she was thankful. Taylor nodded as if he could actually see her, as she took clothes from the dresser drawers and closet. She was moving as quickly as she could with the pain that was present all over her body.

"Okay." They exchanged a few more words before they hung up. Taylor went into the settings of her phone, and did as Travis told her, resetting it to the factory settings. She tossed her phone to the side as she pushed her things down into one of her suitcases. She slipped on a pair of shoes and dragged her bag down the stairs. As she reached the bottom of the stairs she heard a small knock on the door. She knew it was Travis. The knock reminded her of the times they had adjacent dorm rooms during their college days and Travis would knock on the wall as a way of asking her if she was awake. It put a small smile on her face. she opened the door, seeing him standing there, in a pair of basketball shorts and a plain white t-shirt. It was late, and Taylor didn't realize how late until she opened the door.

"Taylor, what did he do to you?!" Travis's hands were on her face, examining the black ring around her eye that had formed.

"I ra...." She started with her typical lie when someone mentioned a bruise that was on her body, but Travis stopped her before she could even get out her sentence.

"No you didn't. You didn't run into anything, you didn't fall onto anything, you didn't do anything." Travis told her firmly, which caused her to flinch. Travis noticed her reaction instantly and eased up. "Let's get you out of here." His voice was soft again. She just nodded. He grabbed the bag she had packed herself and they left the house. Tears rolled down her face as she got into the passenger seat of Travis's car. She was finally leaving this hell she had been in for far too long and she couldn't be more relieved. She felt Travis's hand going through her hair as they pulled out of the home's driveway.

to be continued (part 2 is called: 'unfortunate reunion')

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