34.0: exchange.

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next time around, fuck i want it to be different, yeah. waiting on a sign, guess it's time for a different prayer. lord please save her for me, do this one favor for me. i had to change my player ways, got way too complicated for me. i hope she's waiting for me.

Travis knew Taylor knew he was there. They had made eye contact a time or two since she had arrived, and seeing her dancing with some other guy was painful for Travis to watch. He didn't know why the sight was making his blood boil, but he was doing everything in his power not to walk over and break the two away from each other. Taylor was his girl. Yeah, he had done some fucked up things once upon a time that caused Taylor to not want to deal with him, but Travis always felt like Taylor was the one for him. 


"Travis, I can't fucking do this anymore," Taylor yelled. Travis couldn't do anything but let out one of the laughs that was a result of being too high to function properly.

"Stop, babe. You don't mean that." Travis responded, trying to grab Taylor by the waist to pull her near, but Taylor's reaction was to push him away. It wasn't unlikely for them to get into some type of argument when Travis was this way. Each fight typically ended the same. Taylor would yell and scream, Travis would laugh it off, and the two of them would end up high and in bed. They were each other's first loves, and separating was never a thought that ran through Travis's mind. He just assumed the blonde haired blue eyed beauty would put up with any and everything he did.

"I do, Trav." The tone of Taylor's voice caught Travis off guard. "I'm tired. I'm tired of you doing this. I'm tired of forgiving you every time you break up with me to go have sex with some other girl. I can't keep letting you do this to me."


Every time Travis thought of that night, a pain hit him in his chest. A pain he had no idea how to handle. Truth was, he missed Taylor more than anything in this world. He had family members die and the pain was no match to how she felt when she lost Taylor. "Trav, what's wrong?" Travis was snapped out of her thoughts by a pair of arms wrapping around his waist from behind. He felt a chin rest on his back, and he smiled weakly.

"Nothing." He answered, his eyes never leaving Taylor. Maya wasn't dumb, and Travis knew it wouldn't take long for her to figure out what was eating at him. See, Maya was simply someone Travis was sleeping with that he also confided in from time to time when he felt like he was going to explode from bottling up all of his emotions. Maya understood that Travis wasn't the type to settle down. Well, Travis didn't want to settle down with anyone but Taylor. "You're lying." Maya was silent for a bit as the music blared around them. "It's Taylor, isn't it?" Travis heard the question, but he didn't answer. His eyes were still glued on his ex dancing around with some guy who looked dangerously similar to Travis. Their hair was the same color, they were about the same height, and they were the same skin tone. Everything about who she was with reminded him of himself. "I'm going to go get her for you."

"Yeah, right." Travis finally said, with a laugh. Maya was a shy girl, and her going over to Taylor was laughable in Travis's eyes.

"I'm serious. You're over here looking like a lost puppy over this girl." Maya was proving that before she was just another person Travis was having sex with every so often, she was his friend who wanted the best for him.

"You're not going over there, Maya. You don't have the balls to." Travis let out another little laugh. "Do you want to put your money where your mouth is Kelce?" Another thing he loved about Maya was how playful she could be. There was no one else in this world he would make a silly bet with, but he would with Maya.

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