"I don't even know how we're gonna start preparing for this" Rory said. "We haven't had a baby in the house in so long"

"Ace, it's not like we've never done this before" Logan said. "We've had three babies before this, we know what we need. Clothes, diapers, pacifiers, bottles..." He trailed off when he noticed something behind Rory.


"Cat's out of the bag, Ace" Logan said quietly. Rory shot him a confused look before he chuckled a little and spoke again. "Can we help you?"

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop" Nicky said as he walked into the kitchen. "But I did hear what you were talking about..."

"And what exactly do you think you heard?" Rory asked.

"That you're pregnant" Nicky said. It sounded more like a question.

"Im not pregnant" Rory said.

Nicky gave his parents a look that told them he didn't believe them.

"Alright" Logan said. "Go get your siblings"

"So you can tell us that you're pregnant?" Nicky asked

"Nobody's pregnant" Logan said. "Go"

"That's not technically true" Rory said once she was sure that Nicky was upstairs. "Somebody is pregnant, it's just not me"

Nicky went upstairs and knocked on Grace's closed bedroom door. She didn't answer so he figured he might not have her processors on. He opened the door just enough to reach his hand in and flick the light on and off a few times.

"Come in" Grace said.

"Mom and dad want to talk to us" Nicky signed

"Why?" Grace signed.

"They didn't say, but I bet you ten bucks that mom's pregnant"

Grace chuckled. She knew enough to know that while Rory wasn't technically too old to be pregnant, she was past the age where it would be likely. "You're losing your money"

"We'll see" Nicky signed. "Bring your ears"

Nicky and Grace got Sammy before going downstairs to where Rory and Logan were still in the kitchen.

"Sit" Logan said and all three kids sat down across from him and Rory at the kitchen island.

"A really long time ago, when you guys were still little, we wanted to adopt a baby. When Nicky got sick, we decided that it wasn't a good idea because there was a lot going on, so we had our name taken off the list of people who wanted to adopt" Rory said. "This afternoon we got a call. Somehow, somebody saw our file and picked us to give a baby girl to"

"I get a sister?" Grace signed excitedly.

"We haven't decided yet" Logan said. "We wanted to talk to you guys about it first"

After answering a lot of questions from the kids, and a little more discussion between the two of them, Rory and Logan had made a decision. Later that night, Logan walked into the living room to see Nicky sitting on the couch, looking at his phone. Shadow was curled up next to him. "I thought you went to bed"

"I'm texting Allie" Nicky said. "We have a history test tomorrow"

Logan nodded. "Put the phone down for a minute, I wanna talk to you" he said. Nicky put his phone in his pocket and Logan sat down on the coffee table in front of him. "Are you sure you're ok with the new baby?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Nicky asked.

"I just wanted to make sure. You've been pretty quiet"

"It's nothing. I just owe Grace ten dollars"

"Why?" Logan asked

"Because I thought that mom was pregnant" Nicky said.

Logan chuckled. "And you put your money where your mouth is?"

Nicky nodded. "I think it's better this way though. Birth is gross"

"You do realize that someone still has to give birth to this baby, right?" Logan asked. "She's not just gonna materialize out of thin air"

"I know, I just meant that it's not mom who's pregnant. I don't have to think about...that?"

Logan chuckled softly. "You are such a teenager"

"It's gross and you know know it"

Logan wasn't sure if Nicky was talking about pregnancy and birth, or sex. "Whatever you say" he said. "I'm going to bed. Turn the lights off when you go up?"

Nicky nodded.

"Good night" Logan said.

Rory was sitting in bed, reading something on her laptop when Logan walked into the room, laughing quietly.

"What's so funny?" She asked

"Remember when you were a kid and you realized that you were born because your parents had sex, and got really grossed out?" Logan asked.


"Well, Nicky's at that age and it's hilarious" Logan said. "He told me that he's glad he was wrong about you being pregnant because it's gross"

"Pregnancy, or the fact that we would have to have sex for that to be the case?" Rory asked.

"I don't know" Logan said. "Probably both"


"I didn't even know that was something you were thinking about" Lorelai said as she sat in Luke's diner with Rory

"It wasn't really. We wanted to a really long time ago, but then everything got really crazy and we decided that it wasn't the right time for another baby. Our file was supposed to be deactivated, but there was some kind of mistake and someone picked us" Rory explained.

"And you decided that you're gonna take the baby anyway?"

"Something about that sentence sounds really off" Rory said. "But yes"

"Well, then congratulations"

"Thank you"

"So, I need details. When will this baby be born? Who's the woman who's giving it up? Do you know if it's a boy or girl?"

"Baby's due March 3rd. It's a closed adoption so we don't have any information about the biological mother, nor will we get to meet her. And the baby's a girl"

"Wait, so you don't get to be there for the birth?"

"They'll call us when she goes into labor and we'll go to the hospital. We'll be in a room right next door and as soon as the baby's born, they'll bring her to us" Rory said. While she would've liked to be there for her daughter's birth, she understood that the biological mother wanted privacy, and at the end of the day it wouldn't matter as long as she left the hospital with a baby. "And honestly, right now, I'm more concerned with the fact that we have -at most- a month to prepare"

"I'm sure it'll be fine" Lorelai said. "And if you need my help, just ask"

"Thank you"

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