Gender Reveal

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A few weeks later, when Rory was 17 weeks, she had a doctor's appointment to find out the sex of the baby.

"Just to confirm" Dr Williams said as she did Rory's ultrasound "you don't want me to tell you, you want me to write it down and put it in an envelope"

"Right" Rory nodded

"Alright, so I'm just gonna turn this around" she said and turned the monitor so that they couldn't see. She printed out the picture and wrote something on it before sealing it in an envelope and giving it to Logan.

That night, after giving Honor the envelope, Rory and Logan were cuddled up on the couch, watching a movie. Rory was leaning on Logan, and he had his arm around her with his hand on her belly.

About halfway through the movie Logan noticed that Rory had fallen asleep

"Ace" He whispered and gently shook her

"Mmm?" Rory mumbled

"You're asleep. Let's go to bed"


A few days later Rory, Logan, and their friends and family were at their apartment for the gender reveal that Honor planned.

"Alright, if I can have your attention!" Honor said "Rory, Logan, come here please"

Rory and Logan went over to when Honor was standing.

"If you are not Rory or Logan and you think it's a girl, raise your hand" Honor said. Everyone except for Emily, Finn, and Nathan raised their hand "ok, put it down"

"What is she doing?" Rory whispered to Logan

"No idea"

"Rory, this is for you. Hold it up" Honor handed Rory a large black balloon "and Logan, this is for you" she handed Logan a thumbtack "inside the balloon is confetti. If it's pink, it's a girl. If it's blue, a boy. Logan, when you're ready, pop the balloon"

"Ready?" Logan asked

"Wait" Rory said "I just wanna say that I'm probably going to cry, and it's not because I'm disappointed about whatever the baby is. It's just my crazy pregnant brain. Ok, now you can pop it"

"Ok 1...2...3!" Logan popped the balloon and blue confetti flew everywhere

Rory started crying. Logan kissed her cheek before wrapping his arms around her, pulling her close and put his hand on her belly

"Oh, my god" Rory wiped her eyes

After everyone hugged and congratulated them Honor gave Rory a small gift bag

"Honor! We said no gifts!" Rory said

"I know, but you've been saying for weeks that you think it's a boy, even though everyone else thought girl. So a few days ago when I found out that you were right, I went out and bought this"

Rory reached into the bag and pulled out a onesie that had 'My mommy is always right' written on it

"Honor, this is so cute" Rory smiled

After everyone left and only Lorelai, Luke, Honor, Josh, and Nathan were still there, Logan and Rory decided to share one more piece of news with them.

"Anyone wanna know the name?" Rory asked out of nowhere. Everyone's eyes shot over to Rory and Logan

"How do you already have a name?" Luke asked

"We've had names picked for weeks" Logan said

"One for a boy, one for a girl" Rory added

"Well, what is it?" Honor asked

"Nicholas Griffin Huntzberger" Rory told them

"Aww, I love it!" Lorelai said and put her hand on Rory's belly, a little too far down

"Woah!" Rory said and moved Lorelai's hands higher up "Watch your hands"

"What? Logan can put his hand there, but I can't?" Lorelai asked, jokingly

"Well, considering that Logan is the one that put the baby there, to begin with, I think it's safe to say that his hands have been there, already" Honor said

"Ok! This is heading somewhere uncomfortable!" Rory said

"Agreed" Lorelai said "new topic please"

"Nicholas is a good name" Luke said

"Is he gonna have a nickname?" Josh asked

"We'll probably call him Nicky" Rory said

"Or Logan will come up with some nickname for him that nobody gets, like how he calls Rory Ace" Honor said

"Maybe I will" Logan said

"Honor..." Rory gestured to the couch where Nathan had fallen asleep

"I think it's time for us to go" Honor chuckled

"Thank you for this" Rory hugged Honor "it was great"

"Of course"

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