Cochlear Implants

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A couple of weeks before her surgery, Grace had one final checkup, with the pediatrician.

"Alright, so she's still hitting all the milestones, right?" The doctor asked

"Other than the babbling and talking" Logan said

"Does she try to talk at all?"

"Sometimes" Rory said "but very little, and very quietly. She does like to blow raspberries, though"

"That's alright. Once they implants are turned on she should catch up by the time she's 2"


"She looks great" The doctor said "I can clear her for the surgery"


Logan was keeping an eye on Nicky and Grace in the living room, while we worked from the couch. After taking a shower, Rory walked into the living room to see Grace laying on her stomach, propped up on her elbows, on the rug. Nicky was laying the same way, facing her. He was talking to her in sign language. Not wanting Nicky to notice her, and stop, Rory walked to where Logan could see her and waved to get his attention.

"That's the cutest thing ever" she signed

"I took pictures for you" Logan signed back "In case he stopped before you came down

Rory smiled

"Hey you" Rory said

"Me?" Nicky asked

"Yes you. It's time for bed"

"How many books can we read?" Nicky asked as he stood up


"Can I read them this time?"

Nicky couldn't quite read on his own, but he was getting there

"How about we read together?"



The day of Grace's surgery everyone woke up early. Rory and Logan got themselves ready, before getting the kids up. Rory took Grace to the hospital around 6:30. Around 10, Logan dropped Nicky off with Steph and Colin before joining Rory and Grace at the hospital.

"Hey, sorry I'm late" Logan said as he walked into the hospital room where Rory was sitting on a stool, Holding Grace.

"Perfect timing" Dr. Addams said "we were just about to take her up to surgery"

"I made them wait for you" Rory said and put her hand on Logan's arm

"From the time we take her up it'll be about 2 hours until she's back in here, and assuming everything goes according to plan, we'll monitor her throughout the day and then you can take her home tonight. She'll likely be in some pain, which we can give her something for, if you'd like. She'll probably be tired and grumpy over the next couple of days, she might need a little extra love and attention, but after about a week she should be back to normal"


While Grace was in surgery, Rory and Logan sat in the waiting room. Rory was texting Stephanie.

S:hey. How's Grace?

R: still in surgery. I'm going nuts. What's up?

S: is it ok with you if we take Nicky to the pool? He and Liam are asking to go swimming

R: it's like 40 degrees outside

S: it's an indoor pool

R: it's fine with me.

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