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February 2017. 

Logan had to go into the office one day, and got home late. When he got home the kids were already asleep and Rory was sitting at the kitchen island.

"Ace?" Logan called out when he walked into the apartment


Logan could tell that Rory was upset, and had been crying. "What's wrong?"

Rory nodded to something on the counter

"how did that happen?"

"I don't know" Rory said "I'm hoping it's a false positive, because you know what gonna happen if it's not"

"I don't understand. How can you be pregnant?"

"I can't" Rory said "and I still have an IUD, just in case, so there's really no way I should be able to be pregnant"

"Hold on" Logan said and sat down across from Rory "would it be so bad to have another kid. I mean, 3 was the original plan anyway"

"No. Logan. I'm not upset because I'm pregnant,I'm upset because it's not gonna last"


"Even if I could naturally get pregnant and make it to full term, which I can't and we both know it, they have to remove the IUD, which will likely cause a miscarriage anyway"

"Let's take it one step at a time" Logan said "start with a doctor's appointment, and we'll see what she has to say"

"I don't think I could take it" Rory said quietly

Logan looked at Rory, confused

"If we lost another" Rory said "I don't know that I'd be able to handle it"

"Come here" Logan wrapped his arms around Rory and she rested her head on his chest "it'll be ok" He kissed the top of her head "whatever happens, we'll be fine"


A couple of days later, Rory and Logan were sitting in Dr. Williams' office.

"What I don't understand is how this happened in the first place" Logan said

"Low fertility, doesn't mean no fertility" Dr. Williams said "The chances were very slim, but they weren't non existent"

"I know, and that's why I got the IUD, because my body can't sustain a pregnancy, if I were to somehow get pregnant" Rory said

"So, let's talk about that, because you do have a few options" Dr. Williams said "for starters, the IUD needs to come out"

"Right" Rory nodded

"The easiest and simplest option would be to terminate the pregnancy" Dr. Williams told them "that is if you don't want the baby"

"No" Rory shook her head "we um...we definitely want it"

"Ok. Removing the IUD can cause a miscarriage. If it doesn't, I'd recommend you start taking hormone injections and we would keep a really close eye on you"

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