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2 months passed, uneventfully. Rory was now 37 weeks pregnant, and officially on maternity leave.

One day while Logan was at work Honor brought Nathan over to keep Rory company.

Rory and Honor were sitting on the couch and Nathan was wandering around the apartment.

"Hey" Honor said, when she saw Nathan run past them with a bottle "Nathan, that's not for you!"

"It's fine" Rory said 

"I don't want him to break your stuff"

"There are much more expensive things that he could've found" Rory said "I'm not worried about a 6 dollar piece of plastic"

"Where did he find it, anyway?"


A few minutes later Logan got home. He walked into the living room and leaned down to kiss Rory.

"How's work?" Rory asked

"I'm not telling you" Logan said. Rory had been on maternity leave for a week and had asked Logan what was going on every day. Not wanting her to worry about work, he wasn't telling her anything.

"Come on" Rory whined


"Boo!" Nathan popped out from behind the couch

Logan gasped dramatically "you scared me!" Logan grabbed Nathan, lifting him above his

"Ahh!" Nathan squealed

"You know what happens now?"


"Now uncle Logan eats you, as punishment for scaring him!"

"No!" Nathan giggled "Don't eat me!"

"Alright fine" Logan sighed and put Nathan down  "I guess I don't have to eat you"

Nathan ran into the other room and Logan followed him

"He's gonna be a good dad" Honor said

"One hundred percent" Rory smiled


A couple of days later it was movie night and everyone was at Rory and Logan's apartment.

"This is a dumb movie" Colin said

"This is an amazing movie" Steph said

"Shhh" Rosemary shushed them

"Are you sure you're ok?" Logan whispered. He had asked her if she was ok a few times during the movie, because she kept moving

Rory nodded "Just crampy" 

Logan rubbed his hand, that was already around Rory, up and down her back. A little while later it was quite and everyone was just watching the movie. Rory was snuggled up against Logan, just watching the movie, when she gasped quietly and sat up.

"What is it?" Logan asked quietly

"Logan!" She whispered

"What? What happened?"

"Hey, are you ok?" Stephanie asked, noticing that something was going on.

"Yeah" Rory smiled softly "I uh...I think my water just broke"

That got everyone's attention and by now everybody was focused on Rory.

"What?!" Logan's eyes went wide "are you sure?"

"I think so"

"Ok. Wow. Um...I don't know what to do now"

"Hospital, mate" Finn chimed in

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