Chapter 47

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Serena Platt

The family was tense. Her gaze went over their marble-statue-like faces. Serena doesn't know why the Volturi were so feared. The stories she was told were bad; that can't be denied, yet it felt like they would be understanding. After all, the three they met before didn't mention anything about her strange state. Could it be they were not able to notice? She is a bit concerned, though. Jane looked ready to murder her a thousand times over.

"You okay?" Rosalie asked, her hand slipping into Serena's. "You don't have to worry about anything. We could certainly take them, knowing Jane's powers are neutralized. But I guess I am also a bit concerned."

"You bet," Emmet said confidently. "We'll kick their butts!"

"We won't fight them," Carlisle said sternly. "There is no need to fight. They may not share my beliefs, but they are reasonable. To an extent. Considering Alice has not seen anything terrible yet, I am hopeful we can reach an accord of sorts."

"They wish to remain in power. If we can assure them we mean no harm, they don't care," Edward said as he came back into the living room. "But I share the same concern. We have grown significantly, Carlisle. Three new vampires, two extremely powerful gifts. Aro will be concerned deeply."

"Hmm, yes, that is true," Carlisle said as he stroked his chin. He leaned back into the white sofa, contemplating the situation a bit more. "I won't tear the family apart. Bella and Bree are part of our coven. They'll always have a place, the same as Serena, even more so considering she is one of Rosalie's mates."

"What will you say to convince them?" Bree asked, holding Bella in her lap as they snuggle together. "If it is easier, we could find a place somewhere else in the world."

"We already discussed we'd like to travel for a bit when our... uhm, when we have our thirst under control."

"Of course, Bella," Esme said, smiling at both. Serena will never get enough of seeing mother smile. It was such a warm and loving sight. Even now, she felt more at ease. "We will pay for all expenses, but you're still welcome here. This can be your home if you wish."

"Thanks, Esme. We appreciate it," Bella said, shifting in the arms of Bree so she could nuzzle into the neck. "I love you, Bree..." she whispered in a purr.

"I love you too, Bella."

Serena smiled, making sure to snuggle into the blond Goddess. It was hard to look away from her. She could argue she was truly radiating godly powers with her beauty alone. No matter the number of years, she would always be in awe.

"They're here in a minute," Alice announced, eyes unfocused, glossed over by a vision. "A lot of their most powerful guard is present as well. Equal to our numbers. He knows about your strange state, Serena."

"Ah, well, I guess we have some talking to do..." Serena said, arms winding around Rosalie to hold her tighter.

"It's okay," Rosalie cooed, kissing Serena multiple times to calm her down. "I trained intensely with Jasper. When you're and Leah were sleeping. I'm more than ready to defend you now."

"How didn't we notice...?"

"I always made sure you two were hugging each other. That way, you always had something to hold. It's so cute..."

"Oh... Well, thanks, Rose, you're always going the extra mile for us," Serena purred. "And I am glad you've become positive in life."

"All thanks to you."

The conversation ended as everyone heard the swift feet traveling over the ground. At least a dozen pairs of feet came from the nearby forest from which they saw the Volturi. It was a frightening sight to see. Their pitch-black cloak with red lining gave an ominous feeling deep in Serena's stomach. Whatever Carlisle may have said in reassurance, it was still quite a sight.

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