Chapter 35

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Author's note

Two new perspectives and some information about the world outside of the happy bubble of Leah/Rosalie/Serena. Things will be moving to the first big confrontation with Bella coming back into the picture. So, a few people to thank for making me thinks of what to write about in the coming chapters:

- Alliebutt
- Ninjaproject

Hope the chapter was a good read and see you in the next one. Suggestions and comments are always welcome :).



Sue Clearwater

It was a rare day for Forks and the surrounding area. The sun was out, shining brightly onto the inhabitants. Perhaps a sign that it will be a good day. At least some of them hope it will be. As for some, it will be an exciting day.

For Sue, it was visiting her daughter, and daughter-in-laws, which felt strange to think about. Not that she cares Leah is falling for a woman. Any gender is preferred over the brooding and irritated version of Leah. What felt weird was that Leah got two, almost like the chiefs of the past.

"Are you sure this won't cause tensions, Seth?"

The moment she decided to pay a visit, Seth jumped on the wagon and joined her. The Cullens didn't mind as long as they were away from their main residence, at least for as long as the sun was out. It would make her jump to the conclusion the sun was harmful in some way. Or at the very least all of them expect for Serena. She felt rather human.

"They can suck it up. It's my sister and I am allowed to see my sister. And I just don't see what they are grumbling about. It's not like they are killing any humans."

"Yeah, well, the same can be said for the council..." Sue said with a sigh.

It felt like she was the only one who saw the humanity of the Cullens. If they wished, they could have wiped them out long ago. That was more than enough proof for her to make a decision. But even more so considering the fact she saw how happy the two vampiric women were with Leah. If they can be happy with each other, things must be going well in all kinds of ways.

"Well, their loss. I am not going to stay away despite their awful smell. We could learn from their tolerance," Seth said as he shifted in the seat to peer out of the window.

"Perhaps," Sue said, "Let us not worry about the opinion of others. We can make our own decisions. This visit is more than seeing Leah. I like to see them together, to see whether they are truly loving one another."

Seth didn't push further on the topic but they were surely on the same page. Her boy already accepted and helped Leah in getting together, so there is no doubt about his intentions. As for her, it is very simple to understand what she wants. She wants Leah to be happy again. From what she can tell, these two women were doing an excellent job.

To fill the quiet, Sue turned on the radio which came with the local news. It was not a long ride from the reservation to where Leah now lives. As her imprints were not yet allowed to enter, Leah was also forced to remain outside to not feel the pain of separation. An aspect the council seems to forget or gloss over more than once.

"More news has been reported from Seattle. The latest victims in the series of missing people, attacks, and deaths are of the Tanner family. Since the accidents a few weeks prior, new information has been released. The police tell us that the patriarch was responsible for the death of his wife and sixteen-year-old daughter. Police described-"

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