Chapter 38

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Isabella Swan

It was impressive to see. Almost. Most of it she could not see as everything went too quickly. The training within the coven was well underway. Bree was watching for now as Jasper first wanted the others to get used to the techniques. The sudden swift movements would catch newborns unaware. To make sure their immense strength could not be brought into the fight.

The only one missing was Leah. She was currently at the reservation to recruit the wolves. It would be only time before they'd come and train with them. Or so Leah claims. Bella didn't find it comforting to see so many risk their lives. She wants to see them live in peace.

Her gaze went to Bree who seemed like the perfect example. The girl fled and found a place. It still creeps her out to see the red eyes, but Carlisle said it would disappear in a few days. Bree found it not hard to switch. In her opinion, she even found it more tasteful, which surprised Carlisle. A first among vampires, at the very least newborns.

"Bella, you may sit with me. Your blood is not bothering me," Bree said, seemingly aware of Bella's staring. With flushed cheeks of embarrassment, she went over to sit next to the young vampire.

"How's it going? The transition is not hard? You know, human to animal?"

"No, not really," Bree said as she observed Carlisle being punished by Jasper. His fight was swift and decisive. The man was too kind and polite to bring his full potential to bear. But Jasper somehow broke through those barriers. His next victim was Rosalie, who was given a supportive and extensive kiss by Serena before facing Jasper.

"It's odd to see vampires so in love with one another. To not feel threatened by others who may steal your meal. This is refreshing. Almost as nice as entering the world of a book..." Bree said, her voice a little distant as she mulled things over in her head.

"You like books?" Bella asked, smiling a little as she perked up. "I love books! It's just nice to curl into a corner, blanket tightly wrapped around you with a good book on your lap. Ah, perfect Sunday afternoon..."

"Hehe, it sounds nice, Bella. But... for me, it was more to not be present among those in Victoria's coven. They're cruel, stupid, and mindless. Their desire for blood overwhelms them," Bree sighs a little, turning away from the practice fight to look at Bella.

Bree was a young yet pretty girl. Like every vampire Bella has seen so far. Well, James was rather plain but it didn't take away that Bree was beautiful. The red eyes slowly becoming fainter made her vulnerable, in a way she was shedding skin.

"I don't know, it's been hard. My entire life I never had such a nice calm afternoon. Either I hid away in my room to avoid my father, or I was trying to study despite the noises coming from my parents' room..." Bree paused but a sigh left her as she shrugged a bit. "Anyway, I am finally free. I won't be going back or losing this. For the first time, I don't want to let go."

"That's good, right? It means you're in the right place."

Bree hums a little in agreement. Their focus then was taken by the next sparring partner of Jasper. The one Jasper looks more cautious of facing. For multiple reasons, one very different from a normal vampire; is being blind and not fully a vampire.

The second and more prominent is Rosalie. Her hands flexing and her leg was surprisingly unable to stand still. Bella is convinced she would throw herself in the fray if it got out of hand. Jasper took his stance again with Serena doing the same.

"How's she even going to fight?" Bree asked.

"I wonder about it too... But she can see a bit and, I don't know. Maybe her gift helps?"

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