Chapter 8

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Rosalie Hale

The two women were gone for around two hours before Rosalie approached the Cullen house with Serena in her arms. Serena fell asleep from her mental exhaustion which Rosalie found understandable. She would have been too if her body didn't need the sleep. Soon enough, Rosalie pushed the door open, aiming to go up the stairs to Serena's room. Her mind mulls over what the human has told her.

It only caused her to be angry and overly protective of the girl. The Cullens already knew Rosalie was protective of Serena. Her usual protection consisted of watching the human and being close in case something happened. Now it went to more extreme lengths especially as her mind was occupied by sorting through the new information.

"Rose, how'd-" Emmet's attempt to see how they were doing was cut short by Rosalie. In a flurry of movements, Rosalie was bending over Serena like a protective dome, hissing and snarling at Emmet.

"Easy, Rose," Emmet said as he took a step backward.

The sounds made the other Cullens come to the ruckus. It did not do wonders for Rosalie's mood whose mind went into protective overdrive. She willingly threw herself to the front to fulfill her vow of protection. Rosalie did not see her coven at this point, only potential threats to her sleeping human. Her darkened face menacingly glared at each of the vampires. The growl that came from her throat was deep and terrifying. If they didn't know it was Rosalie, some would have been afraid of her.

"Rosalie, please calm down," Carlisle said calmly in the hope to reach her, "We're no threat to her."

"She doesn't believe you," Edward said while Rosalie eyed them all while shielding Serena, snarling and growling at them. Threats, that's all they were to her. Rosalie's mind was on repeat filling her with the same thought over and over; Protect Serena. "Her mind isn't recognizing us. All she is thinking about is protecting Serena."

"I see," Carlisle said thinking briefly on what to do, "We best give her space. Rosalie, listen to me, we will leave, okay? Once your mind is clear, call me. We need to discuss this, do you understand?"

When no obvious answer could be heard through the growling and hissing, Edward stepped in as if to translate her sounds. "I think she agreed, but it's hard to tell."

"It will have to be enough," Carlisle sighed, "Alright, everyone leave the house. Hunt if you need to or take a walk in the forest."

It was at Carlisle's request that everyone left the house. Esme glanced at them for a moment. She felt a tinge of sadness to leave Serena, but she understood where Rosalie was coming from. The past of Serena must have things move and click into place within her mind. It was confirmed when Alice glanced with a grin at Rosalie.

The blond went in blinding speed to a more confined room. A space with few exits and entrances was by coincidence Serena's room. There she laid the girl on the bed while standing still like a statue. She felt tense, worried, and exposed. It's how she remained until Serena woke up.

Serena Platt

Their talk left her drained and sleepy. She eventually fell asleep after she cried into Rosalie for what felt like hours. The blond did not seem to mind as she kept her arms around her, stroking her back in comfort. It all made her feel safe enough to let herself fall asleep in Rosalie's arms.

Serena slowly felt herself waking, stretching in the process in what felt like her bed. As she stretched, she did find something hard on her bed. A familiar hardness she came to know well.


"You're safe," Rosalie's stiff voice said, "I kept you safe."

"What?" Serena said with some confusion, "We're home, of course, we're safe."

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