Chapter 15

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Serena Platt

Isabella Swan.

Serena finds her a peculiar girl. While Rosalie finds her a nosy and irritating person, Serena is more positive about her. Well, more in the sense she likes to give her a fair chance. But now she thinks the Swan girl will use the visit to her house as a chance. A chance to dig out the truth.

Why? A good question is whether Serena only has the biased opinion of Rosalie, or the one coming from Edward. Each has a different twist to the events but with one common theme. Edward saved Bella from death by blocking a van. A noble thing, but given his circumstances it felt more like he was trying to save his precious food. Rosalie thought the same as her despite Edward saying it wasn't the case.

Serena sighed and picked up her stick from her nightstand. Even when Rosalie is constantly with her and guiding her, she still feels better with her stick in hand. A backup of sorts for small walking to small things. But unconsciously also to be able to defend herself.

"You ready to go?" Rosalie asked, "You don't owe that human anything. We can stay here and call it off."

"No," Serena said firmly, "I am not letting my past control me. Let's go. The first step to a better mind."

Rosalie let her arm snake around Serena's, squeezing the arm. "You're stronger than any of us. I would... have handled it differently."

"By killing them?"

"I can't deny it as I have done just that. But you take the difficult path. One I never even considered. Unlike you, I don't think I am an angel, Serena," Rosalie said as they remained in the middle of Serena's bedroom. Ready to go yet not moving.

"You're not a bad person," Serena countered. Rosalie truly isn't in her opinion. It is just a person who has never been given a choice. A wonderful person is only shown the paths wrong to take or forced to take. For Serena, it's like people can't see that Rosalie was never been offered a better choice.

"I think I am. But you're making me better. Like a devil trying to become an angel again," Rosalie sighed while she hugged her human tightly, or as much as she could without hurting her, "I can't thank you or love you enough, Serena. You're making me better."

"I... I am almost crying now," Serena chuckled waterily, "We'll become better together then."

"Sounds brilliant. Now, we best get to that nosy human. I hope you can lie about our situation."

"I have been practicing for years. I can lie very well," Serena said as they started to walk out of the room toward the garage. It felt like a kilometer, a long walk from her room to the car despite it barely being a hundred meters. Serena felt like it would be an exhausting day yet the sense of Rosalie's arm made her continue onward. Together, she thought.

"My favorite sister!" A cheerful Alice said, twirling herself toward the two females before engulfing Serena with her arms. Rosalie didn't like it but let it happen when Serena smiled in response.

"Alice, holding true to your word, eh?"

"He, he, you got me. Also, Charlie is still home, thought you wanted him gone before arriving so I am stalling you. Got your back, sis," she said with a beaming smile which made Serena hug again.

"Thanks, sis. I think you earned brownie points with Rosalie," Serena giggled which made Rosalie roll her eyes. But Serena can tell from her touch that she was grateful.

"Thanks, Alice," Rosalie said and left it at that.

"No problem, have fun at Bella's. She will ask the question, of course. I don't know what you'll do, but she's very capable of keeping secrets. Surprisingly enough."

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