Chapter 22

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Serena Platt

It is difficult.

She asked Rosalie whether blood was hard to ignore. While Rosalie said she didn't have much trouble with it, Serena had some difficulty. The smell of human blood was enticing and at times better than human food. Serena will admit she may have struggled if she didn't have Rosalie she could focus on. One of the things that is stronger than anything related to blood is Rosalie's smell.

Hand in hand, the two waited to board their plane. Serena was slurping a heavy smoothie to make sure was not hungry. To ensure no harm would come to any humans, she made sure to eat and drink her fill. Rosalie didn't have to do anything so she linked arms while intertwining her fingers with Serena's. Her head rested on Serena's shoulder while closing her eyes to focus on the semi-human girl.

"So... Why Scotland?" Serena asked, "I don't mind, but I wonder why you chose Scotland."

"We have a house in the countryside which offers plenty of privacy. Also, during this time of year, not a lot of sun. Besides, Scotland is a beautiful country, especially in the highlands. You'll see."

"I see, well, I do like nature without many people around."

"Mhm. I thought you'd like it."

"You're always thoughtful, Rose. To me at least. I wish I could see you after I became, you know," Serena said, sighing and leaning into the blood a little.

It was odd for her at the moment. Lines blurring across her vision. Some with more cohesion and others with less. She could "see" but far from well. It is why she still uses her stick from time to time. Even the lines of objects and Rosalie's beautiful figure are not always there. Serena hopes it will improve in time for she hopes to see Rosalie in full detail.

"In time, love. I remember you telling me to be patient, perhaps take a lesson from your own words."

"I am pretty wise after all," Serena chuckled, "I wonder how wise I will be after many years of living."

"Let's get hasty," Rosalie teased with an amused smile, "You should focus more on adjusting. Even now I feel your tension from being near humans. Or let alone the moments you're completely distracted by something or everything you hear or smell. Take it one step at a time."

"Yeah... I smell so much more. Hear so much more and a lot clearer too. That's makes me wonder about something. Rose... are you alright?"

"Huh? Why do you ask?"

"I don't know. Your smell changes from time to time. For example when I am not close compared to the moments I have you in my arms. Is that a, uh, thing? Don't get me wrong, it smells very good and sweet, but I don't know what it means."

"Fuck..." Rosalie said with a groan, burying her head into a confused Serena, "Of course you did."

"Did what?"

"You have... ehm, you cause, ever since your change, a... strong reaction to me. One I am trying to control for your sake."

"Rose, how vague can you get? What are you trying to control? Just ask and I can help!"

"Oh, Serena, darling, you can definitely help in that regard," Rosalie made sure to drop her voice below human hearing for what followed, "Serena, what you're smelling is my need to have you in between my legs to relieve some tension. I have a need to claim you not only with words but with actions as well."

Serena felt herself heating up in the face. Her mouth opens and closes without having the ability to utter a word. She could not help but stare at the unfazed Rosalie who merely smiled innocently. But even then, Serena smelled the rather sweet fragrance coming from her.

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