Chapter 6

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Author's note

Hey everyone,

I hope you're enjoying the story so far. It certainly has been fun to write so far. Of course, I am taking some liberty with the whole mate/romance/vampire situation but I am just using my idea about it. Let me know what you think of it so far and if there are things you wish to see.


Ps. Extra long chapter before we start getting into the twilight events :)

Serena Platt

For about half of the trip, she sat with Rosalie. While she would not have complained about sitting with her for the whole trip, she did switch cars to the one with Esme, Carlisle, and Edward. Serena did notice the slight disappointment in Alice's voice when she did not decide to sit with her. While she debated the idea, she rather spent the last half of the trip with Esme.

This is how she came to sit with Esme in the back seat with Carlisle behind the wheels and Edward next to him. There was one other notable difference between sitting with Carlisle. He drove a lot slower. Rosalie drove very fast which was mirrored by Emmet and the other Cullens.

"Esme, I was wondering about something," Serena said, "What will every one do in Forks? I understand Carlisle will be working as a doctor again. But what about you and the others?"

"Well, I will probably be busy for a few days with renovating the House. It's been quite some time since we last were in Forks. After that, I will probably be busing myself with architectural projects. There are a few buildings I had my eye on that I wish to restore."

"Esme likes to restore old buildings. Some for fun and others on request," Carlisle clarified, his face holding a hint of pride for his wife and her creative talents.

"Sounds fun and I like the idea of giving life into something old."

"Me too which is why I do it," Esme said as her arm was placed around the shoulders of her youngest child. While Esme has been called mom, Carlisle has not been called dad. He didn't say anything about it, but Esme could see there was a small hope that he would be called father or dad at some point.

"For the rest, we will be students again..." Edward added, "Another cap for the collection."

"Well, at least you can see how the caps change over time?" Serena tried to make it a bit better. "I am actually looking forward to it! Alice said I will be able to keep up. I hope I will enjoy school with my siblings."

Edward glanced to the back where Serena smiled. While he was not looking forward to repeating school again, he had to admit it was nice seeing Serena excited about it.

"I suppose," he said with a shrug, "I just don't particularly need the thoughts of teenager's hormonal-"

"Edward, please stay polite," Esme's voice cut in, making him think twice about the following words.

"Well, let's just say I wouldn't mind skipping acting like a high schooler again. But if it helps us blend in... Hopefully, we'll be able to stay for some time."

"I am sure we will. We'll have to figure out who will be who once we arrive," Carlisle said while switching lanes but when he sees a bit of confusion on Serena he continues. "We usually switch up the relationship and connections we have. For example, Rosalie could be a niece of me while you could be Esme's niece or daughter."

"You change whenever you relocate?"

"Not per se, but quite often. Sometimes someone of us liked to travel a bit before moving to a new location. It depends on what everyone wants."

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