Chapter 16

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Rosalie Hale

The forest always made her calmer. Nothing to disturb her as she could just be alone for a moment. Only the sounds of the forest. Animals live between the scrubs and trees. The water streams give a calming sound. Her girlfriend's soft breathing and beating heart. It was one of the places she loved to be.

It makes her realize she will take away the breathing and the beating heart. Her bite and venom will kill her girlfriend. Will take away the things she values the most, the things that make someone human.

"Rose, what's wrong?" Serena asked, noticing the mood of Rosalie plummeting. It surprises how much Serena can notice without even seeing her face.

"I am going to kill you. It's... not an easy thing for me. I love the idea of forever with you yet... I will miss your heartbeat. Your breathing. It's now I just realize how much I like hearing it."

"I see," Serena said softly her hand placed on Rosalie's thigh. The cold skin clashes with the heat of the human. A rare day when she wears a skirt instead of one of her expensive designer jeans. Rosalie can't say she minds feeling the hand on her skin.

"I can understand why. You always were hoping to be human again. Perhaps we can make a recording so you can listen to it?"

"No, I rather not. It will remind me even more of what I have taken away. You're very sweet, Serena. But it's just the way it is, I suppose," the blond mutters.

"It's not the end, Rosalie."

"No, but it is the end of your human life. Which I value more. I don't know," Rosalie said with a sigh, "I guess it's just my mind that's stuck in 1933. And I can't change your mind which adds to my helplessness."

"Rose, this is what I want as well. I am not going to change my mind. There are reasons I have for wishing for it."

"You do?" Rosalie asked, letting herself be brought into the soft bright green grass by Serena. It was now the human that brought the vampire into an embrace. Warm comforting arms wrapped around the cold body. Rosalie's head is brought to rest on the chest. It gave her front-row seats to the musical orchestra that was being played in the chest.

"I do. My first and most obvious reason is you. I don't want to leave the person I have grown to love and the one who saved me. It feels unfair that you must see me die. To see me old and frail."


"Hush, my turn to talk," Serena cuts in. Serena knows full well she is the only one that has such power over the blond. Rosalie held her tongue while snuggling into the chest before coming to a rest within a soft warm environment. The human didn't mind and continued speaking.

"While you would not mind, I would. It would make me feel terrible. You deserve happiness too like what Esme and Carlisle or Jasper and Alice have."

"Thank you, Serena," Rosalie whispers while being surrounded by softness. It made the human blush yet happy. Rosalie could feel it within the girl.

"Secondly, I believe it will break my link to the past. A new start for me. I am working toward it now, but the turning will be my final step. My final step to freedom."

"You're free right now."

"You'd think I am, wouldn't you?" Serena said, her voice softer while letting her fingers go through the blond strands of hair. "But I am not really. The past haunts me, Rose. Dreams, attacks... It's all there. Becoming a vampire will not rip it away, but I think it will close a chapter for me. A heavy and very long chapter.

"My final reason; I hope I can see you. That my sight will be fixed and I could see you. Admire you. Be in awe of the beauty that you are so proud of. I want to see you and fall in love forever."

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