Chapter 43

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Rosalie Hale

The bitch is coming.

The tension in the air is palpable as everyone anticipates the impending clash. The forest surrounding the open grassy field offers no solace, and the statues in the middle of the field stand as silent witnesses.

Serena reaches out to her two companions, the two who mean everything to her; she has to hold them. Rosalie gives her a smile as she interlaces her fingers with Serena's. Leah's heavy breaths, while nuzzled into Serena in her wolven form, help calm her.

It's odd for Rosalie, standing in this field with her mates. Both so different, strange, otherworldly. Here she stands, her hand held by the one that drove away her loneliness. Serena Platt, who still sees the world in darkness, never experiencing the colors and shapes everyone sees. But how bright she shines and bursts with life.

Rosalie is enraptured by it, swept away by the warmth held within the loving light. Only to be kept grounded by a strong, cozy warmth from the earth. One so warm and gentle it makes her stay between the light and the ground. A space where she feels utterly content and overflowing with happiness.

Serena squeezes the blonde's hand, making her look up. One strong wind directed at them said enough. They have arrived. The sounds of the ground pushed underneath strong steps. The snarling and growling of what must have been the most tempting blood they ever smelled. Who wouldn't wish to sip Bella's blood? Perhaps she is one of those few. It a rare smell as Bella has only the small amount to give. Mere drops are left of what once was the most tasty human.

"Don't be stupid, my lovelies," Rosalie says, her gaze stern and focused as they continue to wait.

"Of course, we marry within the week. I have no intention of missing it," Serena says, backed up by a bark that agrees. Her lips must have formed a bright smile. After all, she couldn't help but picture the two women in their dresses.

"Good. Remain close to us, Serena. You still tire quickly," Rosalie says as she bends her knees, her hands curling in fists as the newborns break through the tree line. "I won't tolerate my mate being seen as weak."

"Aye, aye, captain!"

The three, along with the rest of the coven, jump into action. Emmett dives straight in, his punches as devastating as those he fought. Another deadly duo is the Texan soldier with his Psychic wife. Rosalie will admit they were as deadly as she was with Serena and Leah.

The three of them have trained by themselves as well, neither of them wishing to be far away from each other. Their strategy is simple and effective. Serena would be in the front as her gift neutralizes whatever was thrown at her. This is the cause that effectively brings openings for Rosalie or Leah to kill their opponent. One for one they fall. Once the wolves join, their ranks thin and thin. It's clear who would be the victor.

But Rosalie is confused.

She ducks underneath the punches, rips off limbs and heads of one vampire after the other. But the Red-Haired Bitch is nowhere to be seen. Rosalie pirouettes out of the way of a forceful punch of a dark-haired man, only to be ripped to pieces by Leah in the next second.

"Where is the Bitch?" Rosalie asks as she bitch-slaps a newborn while walking around the battlefield.

"I have not seen her," Bree says while she pulls on the legs of a newborn while Bella on the arms. The newborn trashed but split in two around the belly.

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