Chapter 36

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Serena Platt

"I am so sorry, Leah..."

"Shh, it's okay, Serena," Leah said soothingly, "It's alright. I understand, okay? It's hard for you. If she hadn't cut herself, you would have gone without trying to suck her dry. You don't have to apologise when you're already trying so hard."

"I almost killed her! My mother-in-law! Who does that!? It's an unspeakable thing..."

"Serena," Rosalie strokes the cheeks while trying to get her to look at her.

Serena put herself in the corner of the living room, horrified at what she did. She couldn't imagine she almost killed someone. To have no control the second she smelled a drop of blood. She felt like she was taken over by some powerful entity. It forced her to watch without any power to change whatever it did. She could only watch in dreadful silence.

"You're doing extremely well, love," Rosalie said, hoping to get her out of the bubble of self-loathing. "You had control. Smelling blood is always tempting, especially for someone as young as you. Don't be too hard on yourself."

"What she says!" Leah quickly adds in support, "Serena trust me. My mother loves you. I could tell. Even she saw it pained you... I've never seen you cry so much at something you did. Just try to forgive yourself and... eh, call to apologise. I am sure she will accept it!"

"She doesn't want anything to do with me... I am a terrible person..."

"Serena," Rosalie firmly cupped her cheeks, forcing her to face the blond, "You're not a terrible person. The amount of love and care you have is unrivaled. There isn't a shred of evil in you. I know for I thought the same about myself. For decades I thought I was a monster. You shattered that, now trust in me when I say you are an angel. The best person I know and love."

"I- I don't know what to say...," Serena sniffled.

Serena is deeply afraid to hear Sue's words about today. The person who gave her Leah, her future wife, was almost dead because of her. How could she even face her without thinking Sue would ask to leave her alone? To say to leave Leah alone. It terrified her.

"Leah, perhaps it's best you call her," Rosalie said, bringing Serena into her chest.

The girl was beginning to cry again. The thoughts created more scenes that made her heart break into a million pieces. Leah sighed but did as Rosalie asked, she rather wanted to hold the distressed Serena than move away from her.

The wolf swiftly took the house phone and rang Sue's number. Somehow the ringing of the phone made Serena want to run away yet Rosalie kept her firmly in place. Forcing her to face her fears like she did to her. It is now Serena feels how much it sucks to face your demons. For her in the form of the plastic horn pressed against her ear.

"This is Sue speaking. Who is this?"

"M-Mrs C-clearwater, this is S-Serena."

"Oh, uhm, you're better? In control again?"

"Y-yes, I am so sorry! I thought I could control it, and hold back my desire. B-but I almost... My god, I am so sorry, Mrs Clearwater, I will do better. Please, don't think bad of us. I beg you... I'll do anything to make it better!"

Leah and Rosalie watched as Serena desperately held the horn, her voice shaking like a leaf in the wind. It's almost as if Serena was prostrating in front of Sue. A sight both women found painful to watch. The desperation coming from Serena was unlike anything they had seen before.

"Dear, it's enough you apologise. Thank you, I appreciate it. I'll have to say I was afraid to the bone when I saw you lunging for me. The deep hunger in your eyes... But I found it sad to see you cry over what you could not control. I am not angry with you."

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