Chapter 39

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Rosalie Hale

It has been a long time since they sat on the sofa in the Cullen house. Serena wrapped up in her arms, body firmly settling in her chest with both bodies purring contently. As much as she didn't think it possible, she missed her wolfie. The second most important person in her life. Hardly a day has passed and she misses her. Rosalie couldn't have believed she would be surrounded by people who would love her from a bottomless pit.

"Rose, you're purring louder than normal. Thinking about something pleasant?" Serena teased, her head worming in between the breasts, looking up with a pleased smile.

"At times I feel like I am living in a dream. I have been given all I ever asked for and more. There's nothing more I wish for, Serena. I am happy and in love. What better reason do I need to purr like a machine?"

"Can't argue with that logic. You have come a long way. In time we'll be living with Leah, as wives, as partners for as long as time allows us. I love you, Rose. Truly, however weird our journey has been, whatever may have happened in the past. I hope you know you made my life better."

"I know," Rosalie purred, her head snuggling into the crooks of the neck, placing feather-light kisses. Serena's hair stood straighter and felt heat travel through her. "I am a Goddess on earth, haven't you heard?"

"Ha! And I am your archangel," Serena laughed.

"Hehe, I am sure we'll convert the lands to our religion," Rosalie purred, her arms tightening warmly around her. Or as warm as she could.

"I am sure Leah-"

The soft gasp from the other room made them hold their tongue. It came from Alice which caused them to quickly rise to their feet. Alice had control over the vision and knew when things were forced or not. This was forced, big; it must be bad.

"Alice, what did you see?" Carlisle asked, the family congregating around Alice. Jasper held his wife, stroking his shoulder as the vision held Alice in its grip.

"Bree and Bella..." Alice gasped, "They're under attack. Newborns..."

"Esme and I will go inform the wolves, corner off all escape routes... Jasper, Emmet, take the lead, protect and save them," Carlisle decreed, his voice firm in its opinion. While Rosalie thinks she and Serena would have more pull among the wolves, she also knows Serena and she are more capable fighters than them. Without complaints or arguing the coven split in two, each going after their own intended quarry.

Rosalie's hand is firmly attached to Serena's. Her speed is not as great as the others, not in non-hostile situations at the very least. They moved through the forest with blinding speed, their movements fluent and graceful the sounds of marble against marble became louder and louder. One would almost suspect two rocks were fighting with one another.

The forest broke open as the river came into view. Rosalie saw a blurring group of frenzied vampires fighting one another. It surprised her to see how hard Bree was trying to keep three different newborns at bay, to force them to stay away from Bella who lays on the grassy ground. This must have been one challenging task, one that came with a lot of damage to her.

Bree looked terrible as she stood protectively in front of the sole human. Her left arm dangling uselessly with more than one bite mark on it. Her skin was covered in cracks like a broken piece of glass. It is a wonder she was still standing. Even for a newborn, this much damage would have caused at least one limb to fall off. Yet there she stood, hissing angrily at the three opponents, continuing on despite her state.

"Emmet, Alice, flank from the left. Rose, Serena, center with me. Edward, go right," Jasper said, taking the center position as he led the charge. The group didn't have to speak as they followed his command. Rose stayed left of Jasper while Serena took the right. The other two broke off to the side, making sure to prevent them from escaping.

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