Chapter 18

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Rosalie Hale

The humans were being hunted. While it would be a shame to have Bella's life ended, Rosalie could not care much for it. Her whole body was practically glued to Serena. Nothing was able to get past her. Constant vigilance. That summed up her current state. Not even Jasper or Emmet were as battle ready as Rosalie.

"It is best we send Bella and Serena far away. To protect them while we hunt James down," Jasper said as he paced around in the room like a battle commander.

"Where? I may have fooled Charlie for now, but I can't exactly go far," Bella said as she watched the vampires around her strategize.

"Phoenix? You said your mother is there. Perhaps it will suffice as a cover. Alice?"

"He does not know of Phoenix," she said as her eyes glazed over. Her mind constantly searching and seeing what James would do. Rosalie does not care as long as she's with Serena. The blond switched her gaze to the window, eyes narrowing to see what she heard among the scrubs. A rustle of leaves. Someone is watching.

"Emmet, Jasper," Rosalie growled as she stared at the border of the forest. The two vampires ran out to investigate. It caused the group to be silent yet very tense. Alice was the first to say something.

"He knows," Alice said. "He heard us."

"Great..." Rosalie mutters as she grounds her teeth from bubbling anger. "I will take Serena somewhere I decide. You do whatever you want with Bella. Only I will know where Serena and I are."

"Alice?" Carlisle asked as he let a breath leave him.

"Hard to tell, could work. I would still recommend someone going with her," Alice said in response.

"Very well. Be careful Rosalie. Who do you wish to have along?" Carlisle asked.

Rosalie was slightly irritated by having someone along. Even so, she could see why. Her eyes glanced around the group. She would have said, Jasper or Emmet. The strongest in the coven strength-wise. But then she thought of Serena and thought differently. It would be best to have her as calm as possible. Let there just be one person that would make Serena calm and have the trust of Rosalie.


"Of course," Esme replied practically immediately. It was the first time Serena perked up from her cocoon that was Rosalie. One must be an idiot to not see the human agreed to it.

"I'll pack some clothing for her," Esme said as she made her way upstairs, "You can get Serena ready in the car."

Rosalie gave Esme a rigid nod, standing up from the sofa with Serena wrapped in her arms. The coven continued with their strategies and plans. The two fighters returned not much after Rosalie stepped outside the living room. They confirmed he was there and made sure to scout the area yet nothing was found.

"Is... Is everything alright, Rose?"

"I will-"

"Just give me the truth this time, not the comforting stuff," Serena cuts in before Rosalie can say she will be fine. The blond let herself sigh deeply.

"I don't know. This is a hunter, Serena. They are rare and far in between. But they are absolutely dangerous and lethal. I will defend you to the best of my abilities. As will Esme. But I can't... I can't be sure it will be enough which is why we will go far away."

"Where exactly?" Serena said softly, slipping further into the protective arms of Rose. If she was scared before, Rosalie thinks she is now.

"I'll tell you later. When we're not anywhere near here. I promise I'll do my best to protect you," Rosalie promised as she opened the car's door. The blind girl sighed but nodded as she settled in the car.

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