Chapter 45

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Rosalie Hale

Serena was looking everywhere she could, inspecting everything within her reach. It didn't matter to her as everything looked magical. The world was hers to see, the shapes for her to admire, and the colors for her to discover. Serena could see and admire whatever the world had to show her. And she did.

Rosalie sent a message to the Cullens to make them aware that they would not be there. The Volturi were coming for them. Uncertain of what they would do, especially when their biggest weapons were useless. Besides, Serena was enraptured by the world, a world she had never seen before. Rosalie didn't want to keep her away from seeing it. She had never seen Serena so happy before, let alone so stunned with awe when she laid eyes on her and Leah.

Nothing could beat seeing such a bundle of joy and love. Rosalie could watch forever to see her run through the forest, making her smile as she ran behind her. To see the expression of happiness on Serena. She couldn't help but think of something that was said months, years ago when Serena was still human.

"Very special! You'll be a special beautiful newborn! I think," Alice chirped.

"What!?" Rosalie said with furrowed brows, eying her coven with suspicion. "No one will touch my mate! I'll kill you if you dare!"

"Rosalie, calm down," Esme said calmly, her hand making motions for the blond to settle down, "No one will do anything to Serena. Alice, what did you see?"

"It was not very clear, yet I saw Serena with Rosalie. She glowed in the sun and sped through what I think is a forest. Too fast and graceful for a human. It ended there, but I saw enough to know she had become one of us. I don't know why I couldn't see her well. I think it is due to her gift being stronger and able to block mine when turned."

"Did... Did she look happy?" Rosalie asked hesitantly.

"From what I could see, yes. Especially when she was near you..." Alice had said.

Rosalie could see Alice was right, even back then. Her woman looked back to her, reaching out with an open hand, her face holding the brightest smile Rosalie had ever seen. Her hand reached out before she even registered it. They both sped through the forest like unbound spirits.

It didn't take long before Leah sprinted next to them. Her warm breath leaving trails of water vapor. Rosalie never knew. She thought she did, but every time she had been proven wrong.

With one hand holding Serena's, another occasionally finding its way to Leah's fur, she couldn't help but feel herself floating over clouds. The sensation felt like she was being brought to heaven. Well, that will be true in just a few days when they'll be walking down the aisle where they'll see the rings being placed on their fingers while their family is watching.

Rosalie knew it would be the moment when everything would be perfect. When her life would finally feel perfect. Somehow she couldn't even wait for the end of the week, the moment that her dream would be played out. It feels like an eternity nonetheless.

Serena tugged Rosalie further into the forest. With smiles on both their faces, they eventually reached the deeper part of the forest. Their view consisting of the untouched nature with tall trees, flowers dotting over the grass clearing they've entered.

Serena skipped her way into the clearing, crouching down next to one of the bigger patches of flowers. Almost as if they were alien creations, Serena couldn't help but look at them. Rosalie didn't move despite wanting to be next to her.

"I never would have thought the world is this beautiful..." Serena said, her voice airy and filled with wonder. "Look at all these colors, shapes! Rosalie, can you believe... huh? Rosalie?"

Serena looked toward the blond, seeing that she alone still stood firmly within the tree line. While she still smiled, Leah and Serena looked a bit confused. Of course they would, Rosalie thought. Standing in the sun does not reveal their unnatural nature, even Leah who quickly reformed in her human form. But it was summer. The sun was shining on this rare day. And this clearing was filled with the rays of the sun.

"It's beautiful, Serena," Rosalie said softly.

"Why not join us?" Serena asked curiously.

There didn't come an immediate answer from the blond beauty as she stood in the shadows. Rosalie didn't want them to be in awe of her sparkling skin. Her vampiric unholy charm. Leah had never seen her sparkle before despite living with them for a few months. They both have come to see her without the sparkles. Rosalie wish to keep it that way if she was honest. Almost as if she doesn't want them to fall in love with that part of her.

"Rose... Is this about the sun?" Leah asked, her smile soft and loving as she started to approach her. A deep sigh left Rosalie, nodding as an answer.

"You know, Rose, I will love you whether you sparkle or not," Leah continued. "I've proven that I hope?"

"That's not it, Wolfie," Rosalie sighed, feeling Serena wrapping her arms around her waist from behind, having blurred from the clearing to her. "It's the opposite."

"Oh, Rose..." Serena said with a tender smile. "I hope you know I have fallen in love despite not having seen you..." Serena continued yet Rosalie chimed in the middle of her sentence.

"I don't want you to love that part of me."

"I know, but Rose, I have already fallen in love with every part of you," Serena said, Leah nodding fervently as Rosalie found herself in a pleasant sandwich. Serena holding her from behind and Leah in the front, their arms wrapped around her like a warm blanket. The sheer warmth seeping into her cold body made her feel human almost.

"I love your soothing cold," Serena said, placing a kiss on her left cheek.

"And your gentle honey-colored eyes," Leah said, placing a kiss on the right cheek.

"Your ability to have sex for days," Serena named next, which made the other two giggle as well.

"Rosalie, we love you," Leah said, chuckling as she cupped her cheeks, gazing lovingly into the honey eyes that pooled with venom. "We don't care about those sparkles. We care only about you, the complete package that includes the things you hate. We love it all because we love you."

"So, you're a bit late as we already love those sparkles," Serena chuckled. "Because that's what it means to love you, Rosalie. You are much more than just a vampire. It's about what's inside that captured our hearts."

She wished she could show how much it meant to hear it. To show how grateful she is to have people love a rather vain and less-than-ideal person. All she was able to was stand there, silently sobbing as her two women tightened their hold on her.

"I love you so much, my loves..." Rosalie sobbed, letting her arms that shake from emotion coil around them, bringing them both closer so she could bury her face into their bodies.

"Always..." Leah said warmly as Serena finished the sentence, "...and forever, Rosalie Lilian Hale."

Authors Note

Yes, we're back. A bit of a short chapter. Sorry about that, but I couldn't continue as I found it a perfect ending to the chapter. As requested, I will have Serena's pov next time. While the vote in confrontation or treaty or something else is still evently split somewhat. So you're still able to share your opinion on the matter :)

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