Chapter 26

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Serena Platt

It is a mystery.

The sounds Serena was hearing were loud and annoying. Its sputtering noise and shaking frame make it all a mystery to her. She doesn't understand it. While she loves certain things that hold age to them like a ball pen or a good book, this she doesn't understand. This is more a danger than something to enjoy. Especially for humans.

"Why don't you get a new car, Bella? This is unsafe."

"Hey! No hating the car! I love it, okay?"

"Until it explodes..." Serena mutters, while it still remains clouded from her sight, Bella glares at her. Brows pushed together with a scowl on her lips.

"No. Hating. The. Car! Come on! This beauty of a car won't let me down," Bella said, stroking the wheel with affection. As if the car was sentient, a short sputter came from the engine before it rumbled on like it usually did. Serena snorted as she heard it.

"Gramps certainly appreciates the sentiment. You know, Rosalie could probably fix the car fully for you. At least the engine and breaks, you know, to make it safe. I will survive, but you're going to be in a world of pain."

Bella glanced at her friend with a raised eyebrow. It made Serena chuckle as she could practically feel the surprise coming off her. Rosalie is the best mechanic Serena knows. And the only one, but that only makes it more true. Besides, someone who has worked on cars for almost a hundred years must be one the best in the whole wide world.

"I highly doubt she would do it," Bella said, "Besides, I have a mechanic of my own. He is pretty good. And he knows this car better as he fixed it so it was usable in the first place."

"Is he a hundred years old?"


"Then Rose is better."

"Fine, your woman is better! I just don't think she will do it for me. She doesn't hate me anymore, but I don't think she likes me either."

Serena chuckled as she leaned against the open window, letting the cold air touch her skin. Despite the sunless and rather cold climate, Serena would say it felt better than anything she had experienced. She has felt summer heat in some European countries, but it felt uncomfortably hot as her own body is warmer than normal. This place is nice and the rain doesn't bother her.

"I can convince her for you. Besides, she doesn't mind working on a car. It is one of her favorite hobbies after all. And, yes, she doesn't like you but is trying to be more friendly with you. This may even work in your favor."

"Well," Bella laughs from amusement while driving further down the road that led toward the beach. "I can't deny it sounds nice to be friends with Rosalie. At least she is a person who values her friends."

"Nailed the head with that one. Once you have Rose as a friend, you have difficulty finding anything better," Serena happily agreed, lips tugged into a smile, "So... which beach are we going to?"

"La Plush, it's the closest one. And my not-so-impressive mechanic lives close by. We may see him there."

"Ah, sure, why not? Sounds like a cool guy. Does he go to Forks High as well?"

"Oh, no. He lives on the reservation. Goes to a different high school. Says he likes the atmosphere and inclusivity more. Guess we pale faces have some work ahead of us."

Serena smiled, nodding along. She wonders though. Will the wolves notice her vampirism? Rose and the other Cullens warned her about the wolves, the shapeshifters. The wolves didn't know about her living with vampires. Carlisle said it would have made a problem as it would cause a treaty violation. He thought it best they didn't know to keep the peace.

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