Chapter 7

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Author's note
Several mentions of suicide, rape, drugs, and death. So be warned and please seek professional help when you're dealing with any of these topics.

Rosalie Hale

There never is a good time to speak of dark things.

Rosalie felt incredibly touched and special with what Serena gave her. While it was nowhere near a positive gift, she could imagine Serena didn't wish to talk to anyone about it. Even Esme never heard anything about what Serena experienced. It took Rosalie a long time to openly speak to her new foster family about her own past. While Serena let the occasional detail slip, it was never a lot that they learned about her.

In all honesty, Rosalie found herself admiring Serena by how put together she looked. That she still could be cheerful and not be like a dark cloud like Edward. If it happened to her, she would be wallowing in self-pity and cursing about how unfair the world is to her. In some ways, she truly was self-centered and vain.

The new year had begun and the moment they decided to talk about it. A new year singles a new beginning in some way. To let go of the past and look forward to the new. Or so Serena put it. Rosalie didn't really find any value in it. As if a new year would be more kinder than the last.

Rosalie was ripped away from her thoughts when she heard the walking stick of Serena approach her door. She can tell the girl was nervous, her heart beating a little faster for what the following hours will entail. Rosalie thinks she will have been nervous as well if she was in Serena's shoes. Well, she is nervous as she didn't know how to handle this.

"Rosalie?" Serena asked through the door, her knuckles knocking on the wooden door. "Are you ready to go?"

Rosalie stood up from her chair, walking toward Serena. While not feeling ready at all, she went anyway. To go into the woods for some privacy as none can be found in this house. Well, the restroom where it sounds proof, but that was no place for such a talk.

"I am, Serena," Rosalie said as she opened the door, "You?"

"Well, I am ready to talk about it. So, yeah, as ready as I can be."

"Just know that you can stop whenever you want. We all know how hard it is. There's no shame in it."

"I see, well, uhm, I'll stop when it becomes too much. But... I feel... you're the only one I can share it with, Rose. I wish I could tell Esme or Carlisle... It's just..."

Rosalie lets out an unnecessary breath while she placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. She knows what she means. In the beginning, she could only speak about it with Esme and Carlisle, as he was the one who founded her. But it's never easy.

"I know. I really do, Serena. Come, we'll get somewhere private. I'll start by telling you my story so you can trust me..."

The two went off into the forest to face one of the toughest conversations they'll ever have. Both were silent as they walked in between the thick large trees. Their looming presence shielded them from the world, letting them walk amongst the shadows of their creations. It was like the forest could recognize the weight both were carrying.

Eventually, they settled down next to a small stream. The remoteness along with the calming river brought a sense of calmness to them. For Rosalie, it was good as she picked up more than the human next to her. Focussing on the water could ground her for what she will tell. A tale only a few know. She began to speak after a brief silence between them. Neither was really looking forward to it, but neither wanted to keep it to themselves at this point. They came this far, so both felt the need to share.

My Light In The DarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora