Chapter 21

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Rosalie Hale

Serena was different.

She still ate human food without a problem. Even slept during the night. Although she could go without sleep for some time if she wished. Of course, the most glaring thing was her warmth and beating heart. It was those two aspects that puzzled the coven the most. Rosalie's venom should have stopped her heart and removed her warmth.

Despite the differences, there were certain similarities. While not as graceful, Serena was almost as fast and strong as any vampires. Her skin was just as hard and impenetrable as the vampire. And blood called to her like any other vampire despite not being needed to sustain herself.

Carlisle's prediction also came true as Serena was gifted with a significant power. Before her change, she could nullify and counter gifts when they were focused on her. The gifted coven members now fell under her counter when Serena focused on them or when they focused on her. It was like she could counter any potentially harmful gift.

Still, they were confused as to what she is. A being between a vampire and a human? Carlisle was lost as to what she was. He examined her thoroughly to see what happened to her. His search for an answer was thorough as he collected a sample of her blood, venom, and anything that held any liquid collected during her "death".

While Rosalie was certainly curious as to what Serena had become, she didn't care as long as she was alive and with her forever. Considering the amount of similarities with vampires, she would say Serena is very much immortal. Today, Carlisle will, after a week of doing tests and research, be able to tell more about what Serena is.

What the outcome exactly is, Alice didn't know. Another thing that made Serena special, Alice couldn't see anything concerning her in her visions anymore. She is a total blind spot for her which is a first. When Serena was still human, Alice could easily see her decisions. Now though, Serena blocked Alice's gift as much as the other gifts.

"Rosalie, are you coming?" Serena called out with a chime in her voice, "Bella, will soon arrive according to Alice."

Isabella Swan. Whatever it was that made Rosalie dislike Bella in the beginning was right. Bella is a particularly bothersome and all-around frustrating woman. There are a lot of things Rosalie blames herself for. The most glaring and most recent one failing to protect Serena. There's one thing she blames Bella for which is the fact she made James and Victoria come after Serena. If she weren't for the fact Serena considers her a friend, she would have already met her maker by now.

Rosalie blurred down the stares after changing clothes. The only good thing about this visit is the fact she will go away. Far away in fact as this meeting will be very informative not only about Bella's situation but Serena's as well.

The moment she was down, she immediately jumped into Serena's waiting arms. While she preferred to be the big spoon, being the little spoon has its advantages. This may be the first time, but being engulfed by the radiating warmth of Serena and the strong beating heart... What more could she ask for? Rosalie held no other wish.

"Hmm, I love your comforting warmth," Rosalie hummed, cuddling herself comfortably into the heat. It made Serena smile as she rested her head on Rosalie's shoulder, pressing a kiss on the cold cheek.

"And I love your soothing cold."

"Good to know," Rosalie sighed contently.

The rest of the coven slowly trickled into the living room. First Emmet who wiggled his brows at the two, amused at the return of the lovey-dovey. It's obvious to Rosalie what he meant. After all, he was the biggest supporter after Esme.

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