Chapter 9

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Rosalie Hale

Never before has she felt so at peace. In her human life, she was vain and self-centered to the point she drove herself to be the most beautiful woman. The need for the best clothes, jewelry, and makeup throughout her life. It was all used to become the most beautiful woman despite already being very beautiful without it. All of it was to be the best possible partner anyone could wish for. To make the women jealous of her.

When her change happened, she felt miserable, lonely, and angry about what was ripped away from her. She could not get what she wished for and she was not given the choice. No longer could she have a child, no longer she could hope for a woman while basking in each other's warmth. All of it was taken from her.

Rosalie's resentments melted away like snow under the sun when she found out Serena was her mate. Even now as she was settled with Serena on the sofa she felt on cloud nine. Her mind was calm, peaceful, and filled with hopeful positivity.

Rosalie never felt happier while having Serena lean against her with her arms around Serena's waist. While Rosalie had her eyes closed to relish the moment, Serena was reading the new book Rosalie has gotten her. It felt perfect to her.


"Yes?" Rosalie hummed while keeping her eyes closed. Her body is so relaxed it felt like it is finally able to rest for the first time in decades.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, I am feeling very happy. Why do you ask?"

"You're purring."

Rosalie opened her eyes at the statement. She didn't even realize she was purring. But the blond let her eyes close again, continuing to enjoy the moment. She didn't bother to stop purring as she now noticed her chest where the purring is coming from. It didn't bother her anymore, she would show her happiness whether people liked it or not. Serena is hers as Rosalie is Serena's.

"It looks like I am."

"That's weird..."

"You want me to stop?"

"I didn't say that," Serena chuckled making Rosalie feel relaxed once again, "It's like a massage in a way. Very relaxing. Maybe you're a cat and not a vampire."

"Would I make a good cat?" Rosalie asked with an amused smile. She let her head rest on the human's shoulder, eyes closed and relishing in the warmth of the human.

"Hmm, they are protective of those who they care about, I think. You check that box," Serena starts to say, using her fingers to count. It makes Rosalie smile brighter which Serena felt. "Elegant, which you are. At least that's what most of the family says."

"I am very elegant, Serena. You only need to ask and I will dance with you so you can experience it yourself."

"Doesn't sound very safe," Serena giggled a little, "I have never danced before."

"All the more reason to dance with me. So I am elegant like a cat. Protective like a cat. Purr like a cat. What's your verdict?"

"Alright, Rosalie, you are a cute cat," Serena said with a soft giggle, "You're excited then? For the evening I mean."

"Absolutely, yes. I am just worried about what Alice is planning. You have no idea how over the top she can go."

"Let Alice be, Rose. I am sure she won't do anything we won't like," Serena assured the blond. In all honesty, Rosalie could not care. She just wants to be able to enjoy their first real moment together. That will be the case no matter what Alice has planned.

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