Chapter 14

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Rosalie Hale

"She wants what?" Rosalie said irritated.

"Bella wanted to visit," Esme said placing a plate of food in front of the girl.

A dish of vegetarian ravioli with spinach. Rosalie was very happy to see her girlfriend walking around the house again. Even the siblings were elated to see her around despite her being more flightier than before. The brothers were giving her a smile of support, even without it being seen, while only Alice gave a warm hug.

Rosalie also just realized that Serena truly does trust Emmet and the other males in the household. They did not make her retreat back into her mind which made Rosalie's protection simmer to lower levels. What the whole affair did bring is Rosalie's constant presence. Never standing further than a meter away; watching out for dangers. Not only at her own decision as Serena asked it of her as well.

"I- I see. Uhm, a-alone maybe. But not at school! And not without Rosalie next to me," Serena answered with furrowed brows. Rosalie sighed and put down the arguments she prepared mentally. If she wants to, they will. At least she will be there to shield her if it all goes wrong. What she will do, is scout out the place thoroughly before going. Esme can protect her while she does it, Rosalie thinks to herself.

"Fine, we'll do it," Rosalie said with a deep breath, "I'll be with you the entire time."

"T-thanks, love. W-what happened exactly to me on that day?" Serena asked. The day was blank for her and Rosalie didn't wish to say things that could disturb her recovering mind. But she never would lie or hold things back. If she wished to know, she would know.

"Tyler put an arm around you from behind and it made you have an attack," Carlisle explained to the girl. His voice was kind and calm like he always was, "Most likely because of your PTSD. I think the suddenness and it being a boy caused you to think you were back in the room."

"I did. I thought I was in pain again..." Serena said, whispering as she dispelled a few thoughts with a shake of her head. Rosalie snaked an arm around her waist as an immediate response. Serena on the other hand reached out for Rosalie to take her hand making them hold hands instead.

"You called out to me and I brought you home," Rosalie explained further while giving the hand a squeeze. Her smile came alive a bit. "I also knocked the boy out instead of killing him. Are you proud of me?"

Serena giggled while Carlisle and Esme looked with a scolding expression at the blond. The siblings were amused with a bit of support showing on their faces. However, they kept it hidden so as to not be scolded. Rosalie doesn't care either way. She managed to make her giggle and that's all she cared about.

"Very proud," Serena said raising their linked hands to place a kiss on Rosalie's knuckles. It caused a beaming smile to appear on Rosalie, "My hero to the rescue."

"Always, Serena. I'll protect you from anything, anywhere."

"As will I, with what little a human can offer," Serena vowed while placing another kiss on Rosalie's hand. In some ways, it is her favorite spot to be kissed now.

"You're stronger than you think," Carlisle points out. He sounds rather proud of her, especially considering she named him dad. It somehow makes him even prouder of the fact she is special.

"Aside from Alice, any gift we know of so far is canceled out in some way in your presence. I also looked more closely at your time in the hospital. It is remarkable how fast you recovered. You should have been out of the running for a month at the very least yet you left within a week. Very remarkable, indeed."

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