Chapter 20

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Author's Note

Hey everyone!

I absolutely love the comments. It is a joy to read them and talk with you. So, please feel free to keep it up. I will try to give you some more opportunities to influence the trajectory of the story when needed.

However, I will say that I would like to ask you to not put comments about when the next chapter will be released. They come out when they come out. I have no schedule or plan for when chapters comes out or not. I write when I have time and the energy for it. So, asking or urging me on will have no effect. I will delete those kind comments from now on.

I do love that people are truly enjoying it. That warms my heart that people can't wait for the next chapter. For that you have my appreciation, but a vote up is enough to convey it or a comment saying just that :).

Thank you for enjoying the story! And I hope this chapter will be an enjoyable read.



Serena Platt

There never has been so much pain in her life than now. There was so much pain that everything else couldn't even be registered. Serena didn't wish to slip back into her mind to her dark world where her friend ruled. She hoped she didn't have to rely on her dark friend yet this pain was unlike anything she ever felt. It wasn't liveable. She felt like she was burning alive while someone was dumping acid on her.

Serena went back. She couldn't take the soaring fire roaring in every cell of her body. The injections with what felt like acid in her chest. Serena escaped to a place where she would be safe and untouched by this burning hell of pain.

It is how Serena once more found herself in the dark world of her friend. The darkness never felt thicker and more active than now. Serena sat patiently in the center of the darkness. Her eyes were glued to the edges of the realm of her dark friend where she fended off a red intrusive glow.

"I wonder if I will live..." Serena asked herself while sitting and waiting.

The darkness swelled and moved through the space in response. Serena looked up at the dark sky, seeing it slowly pushing against the red storm that threatened her at the edges. Somehow it made her smile to know her friend works so hard for her.

"You're helping me again. I owe you my life."

Serena didn't hear a voice yet sensed that her dark friend didn't mind. Telling her she won't feel a thing. What she did find odd is the increased strength she felt in her friend. It's almost as if something made her stronger. As if she held more control over the darkness to fulfill the wishes of Serena.

"You're healing me, aren't you? I remember now. Carlisle said it was remarkable how fast I recovered from the drugs and abuse. Was it you who blocked Jasper's gift? Kept Edward out of my mind?"

Another wave of darkness washed over her in comfort. An answer that could only mean yes. Her whole life she unconsciously held everything that could harm her away. All thanks to her friend in the dark. It was the reason for not being afraid to be blind, to walk in a dark world. How could she be when her greatest ally lives in the dark? Or perhaps in her mind, she did.

"I guess I just have to wait..."

Serena waited for a long time while her dark friend battled all around her. She wasn't an idiot and knew what was happening. Her bones were crushed and probably made a mess in her chest. Such a thing would push her instantly into this realm. While she didn't want to rely on this space anymore, she won't complain. If it would make her see Rosalie again, she would come here to heal without question.

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