Chapter 12

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Author's Note
Okay, quick note in case you life in a country with a different grading systems. I know the US is using a different system but I got no clue as to how to use it comfortably. I live in a country where reports/tests a graded on a 1.0 to 10.0 scale. With 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest. Most student get a grade between six and seven while the passing grade is 5.5. So, keep it in mind when conversations are about grades.


Rosalie Hale

While Serena convinced her not to murder the Swan girl, it seemed Edward would do the job for her. What are the chances that the pest of a nosy girl would be his singer? Edward was upset and rightfully annoyed by the Swan pest.

"Singer?" Serena asked confused.

"A human whose blood is almost irresistible to a vampire. Edward was at the limits of his control most likely as Isabella's blood would practically be calling out for him to take," Carlisle said to answer the question. Even so, the leader of the coven was concerned about the situation. Without Edward gaining either more control or with Bella leaving, it may pose a problem to their secrecy.

"You must find a solution to bear her or we must manipulate the scenes so she leaves," Carlisle contemplates out loud, "She could pose a problem if Edward is not careful."

"I will endure it," Edward said firmly, determined to not give in to the monster inside him. Admirable, Rosalie admits, but unlike her, his control is not as perfect. Even she knows he would be stiff if he was embracing Serena near her veins. Rosalie doesn't even notice the smell of Serena's blood unless she focuses on it.

"I can do it, Rosalie. You underestimate me," he said as he gave a pointed look to the blond. Rosalie merely shrugged while cuddling Serena.

"You overestimate yourself. I have never tasted a drop of human blood while you have. Tell me, could you even forget about Serena's blood if you were now embracing her? I am not even smelling it while my nose is snuggling into the crook of her neck," She challenged with a raised eyebrow.

Serena in the meantime is blushing fiercely. Edward gritted his teeth as he flinched from the rise in heartbeat and blushing cheeks. The blond didn't even notice the allure of the blood only that she finds Serena very cute while blushing. Edward knew full well he was not as good in his control as Rosalie. It made Rosalie smile victoriously at him.

"Edward is more than capable, Rosalie," Esme said with a sharp tone which made the blond roll her eyes. Always defends him like the Golden Boy he supposedly is. Rosalie took to her favorite task, cuddling Serena and not thinking about Edward's usual problems.

"Rosalie, your thoughts are not helping," Edward grumbled. It didn't cause Rosalie to change her thoughts or actions, just continued with what she was doing.

"Rose," Serena said with a soft giggle, "Don't give him so much trouble. So, what will you do Edward?"

"He could go to the Denali's," Emmet suggested, "They are older than any of us and have lived longer as vegetarians. They may help him endure it."

"It would work. Tanya wouldn't mind him coming over," Alice chimes in with her eyes glazed over briefly, "It will be difficult but doable if he pushes himself."

"I'll do it. I can endure this," Edward said slightly irritably.

It made Rose scoff yet it was drowned in the voices that wished him luck. He did not wait and packed his thing. Within fifteen minutes, he was gone and on the phone with Tanya. As he left, the Cullens dispersed to do as they wished. Rosalie and Serena were still settled on the sofa without wishing to move. And no need to as homework was done and the necessary reports were made.

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