Chapter 5

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Rosalie Hale

There was no hiding anymore. It was easy to hide what they were from Serena. The lack of sight made them as fast as they wanted. Hide the fact they weren't eating while Serena thought they were. They only had to make a noise from time to time or make the crunchy sounds associated with eating.

It was fascinating to see Serena eat though. Rosalie, of course, could remember eating human food. Even so, it was decades upon decades ago. Everything that Esme made tasted bland, like dirt. Even the smell was not very enticing. How Esme made delicious meals every day for Serena was a mystery to most of the Cullens.

On the day they admitted what they were, Serena asked everyone a lot of questions. Nothing personal as Serena could feel it was a reluctant topic for most. The only person she did not ask anything was Rosalie. It was like she reserved a special type of interrogation for her. Rosalie confirmed her line of thought when she locked eyes with Alice. One shared glance told Rosalie everything.

That is how Rosalie suddenly found herself in Serena's room after dinner. Several within the coven were hunting before the trip to Forks tomorrow. It now made sense why Alice urged her to go hunting earlier. The little noisy girl saw it already.

"Rosalie, can I ask you a few things?"

Rosalie sat down in front of the girl on her desk chair. The blind girl sat on her bed, her fingers toying with the white symbol stick. Rosalie could hear the heart beating slightly faster while her fingers betrayed a bit of nervousness.

"Ask what you like. Whether I answer is a whole other matter."

"Sure, thanks," Serena chuckled a bit, "Uhm, well, how old are you?"


"Hey, you can't blame me!"

Rosalie rolled her eyes, but let her lips form a small smile as she sees the girl scratch the back of her head. "I am 95, but I look like I am 18."

"Alright... Do you have any gifts?"

"No, but Carlisle thinks my beauty is my gift if nothing else. I was already very beautiful when I was human. Now it is amplified which makes a lot of humans swoon over me in an instant."

"You sound proud of that," Serena notes.

"I am. I don't care what they say, but I am proud of it. It's part of me."

"Nothing wrong with it. Just like I am not complaining about being blind."

"You aren't?" Rosalie said, frowning a little from confusion. She would find it terrible to not see the world. The colors of the setting sun or witness as the rays of sun light up a forest with innumerable flowers. It sounds awful to miss it if you ask Rosalie.

"Nope. I cannot complain about something that I don't even understand, Rosalie. You see colors I have never seen. Sure, I wonder what it would look like. But I am not blinded by what I see. Rosalie, you could have been the ugliest person alive and I would see a kind and big-hearted person."

"You see me like that?" Rose asked with knitted brows. Serena was not lying, she would have noticed it. But why? Even Edward, who could read her mind, never saw her like Serena just said. Rosalie is always the icy person. The vain and self-centered icy monster.

"You have been to me at least, so yes. But I do want to ask something, a bit of a strange request though."

Serena's heart picked up in speed a bit. Rosalie will admit, she likes hearing the heart. One beautiful rhythm told Rosalie the girl was human. Sure, she was jealous but she found it beautiful to listen to. It even made her sit against the wall that separated their rooms. Just to sit and listen.

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