✦𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭✦

Start from the beginning

Muichiro had only one goal left at this point…                 Find the demon and decapitate them. It didn’t take him long to locate the demon, it looked quite weak. It should have been a walk in the park for him. But the demon had an annoying blood demon art, it was able to create powerful winds from its mouth. Because of this, every time Muichiro tried to get close enough to decapitate the demon. He would get blown away, violently flung through the air landing on the other side of the town. The demon would just do the same attack over and over again when Muichiro was so close and about to kill it.

Two hours had passed at this point and Muichiro was getting blown away for the hundredth time.. He was very annoyed at this point and very tired. Muichiro was starting to get used to the feeling of being flung into the air and the impact of him violently hitting the ground.

As he was charging the demon again, he finally got his chance… he was able to dodge the demons wind and while the demon was charging up for another blow, Muichiro sliced its head off like it was a piece of birthday cake..

He watched as the head rolled on the ground and slowly evaporate into the air..                                         Anyone in this moment would be happy and celebrate their victory. But instead….            Muichiro was extremely frustrated with himself. He let a whole town die and took over two hours to defeat a normal demon? He was disappointed with his performance…  no hashira should have this much trouble… he had a tsuguko for crying out loud! How could he train someone while he was like this…

Over the last few weeks he had been under alot pressure and stress, constantly getting difficult missions back to back. And now when he was given an easy mission. He messed it up this bad..                                                     Everything up to this point. The annoying people, hard missions, the people he was letting fall through his fingers.. it all had boiled over…

He couldn’t keep his cool anymore… he just wanted to crawl into a hole and isolate himself from the world.. he swore if he saw another person get in his way, he would go batshit crazy…

But here you are now… extending a hand for him to hold….                                                                              A person to vent too…                                                    Giving him him the opportunity to finally let go of all the stress he had been under these past few weeks. He didn’t understand why you were so stubborn. But he really could care less at this point.. All he could focus on now, was the feeling of your hands on his shoulders, giving him… a massage?

Wait.. what?

As he was thinking about what had happened that day. He didn’t realize he was now sitting on his futon with you behind him, giving him a surprisingly soothing massage. As he started to grapple his surroundings, he hadn’t realized he had told you everything… about the lady with red hair, the annoying demon, the hard missions…


He couldn’t deny the feeling of you massaging his shoulders was quite nice, comforting even….            As he was venting outloud he felt the weight on his shoulders slowly release as he felt at tranquility in your care… for the first time, he could finally just take a moment and breathe…

You hummed to yourself as you gently massaged his shoulders while listening to his ongoing rant. When Muichiro had suddenly stopped talking, you raised your eyebrow slightly and softly spoke

“You okay?..”

You felt as Muichiro was leaning more into your touch, as you could tell he was finally starting to feel better… you smiled to yourself.                                 You were successfully able to calm him down!!

When you asked Muichiro if he wanted you to give him a massage, you were surprised that he had actually accepted. He let you grab his shoulders and do what you pleased as he started to tell you everything that had been going on these past few weeks. You listened silently as you had felt Muichiro slowly but surely start to calm down and relax.

It was a bit out of character for him to open up to you like this.. but you happily accepted it with open arms. You were happy he was finally being a little vulnerable around you. You felt that the both of you had finally formed a strong connection that had surpassed just friendship…

Muichiro was staring up at the celling as he felt his vision start to slowly blur… he felt as if he was floating in a pool of water. Finally able to just let everything go... every time he blinked, the harder it got to open his eyes again...

By this point he was completely silent. Enjoying the comfortable silence and warm atmosphere you created. He finally closed his eyes and let himself drift off into a deep slumber, he so desperately needed…

You were surprised when Muichiro had completely lost consciousness and feel on top of you. You smiled as you pulled his head to lay comfortably in your lap.                                             You started to run your fingers through his hair, while watching his face morph into a small smile…

He nuzzled his head into your lap as you continued to play with his hair. You started to feel your face get red at the sight.                                     “I can’t believe this is actually happening!! Is this a dream?” You were mentally freaking out at how cute Muichiro was being. You couldn’t help it! You watched as muichiros hair slowly drifted through your fingers, the peaceful atmosphere felt heavenly...

As you watched Muichiro sleep you slowly felt yourself start to get tired aswell… your hand running through his hair started to slow as your eyes had slowly began to close…

You finally surrendered as you fell back onto muichiros futon letting your body slowly drift out of consciousness… the last thing you remembered was the feeling of Muichiros hand interlock with yours before everything eventually faded to black…

𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 (𝐓𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now