Movie theatre. chap 48

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We took 2 cars to the theatre 4 in each. There were no other people in the theatre than the staffs.

"Won't the staffs leak any rumours?" You ask to Jhope.

"No. They all signed a non disclosure agreement. You don't have to worry about it and just have fun."

You all went in to the theatre room and sat in the middle row. Staffs provided you with all the snacks and drinks you needed.

The movie was very interesting. You couldn't keep your eye off the screen. But at the end of the movie... The male lead died.

You couldn't control the tears that were flowing down your cheek and unfortunately you were sitting beside Jungkook who was looking straight at your face.

You know he will make fun of you so you try to hide your tears by wiping it as fast as it falls.

But surprisingly instead of teasing you he put his right hand around your shoulders and slightly tilted your head so that it was on his shoulders. And with his other hand he slowly wiped your tears.

You know that he did that to comfort you but after that you couldn't stop crying in his shoulders.

He didn't say a word and continued to hold you in his arms.

That's when you found out that Jungkook has a soft spot for you when you're crying.

When you came out of the theatre room Jimin came to you,
"Are you okay?" He asked with worried eyes.

"I overreacted right?" You ask him.

Before anyone can answer that you all turn to a sound coming from your back.

You see Jin with a tissue in his hand. His eyes and nose were very red and Jhope was comforting him.

"I don't think 'You' did." Replied Suga.

"Yeah." You laugh.

You ran to Jin and started making fun of him.

"Oh my god oppa. I didn't know you were such a cry baby!" You laugh.

"Says someone who bawled her eyes out." Says Jk.

You knew that he would make fun of you. You just glare at him.

"You all are not even humans if you don't cry to that!" He says sneezing.

You hugged him tight and ruffled his hair.

"Don't cry. What do you want to eat? I'll buy you. It's my treat! I got paid!" You say happily.

"But you just started working." Asks Rm.

"Yeah I'm getting paid in advance for this month." You say turning to him.

" You should use that money for yourself. You don't have to treat us." Says Jhope.

"No. This is my first paycheck and I wanted to get you guys something. I can't buy you things or dresses because I don't get paid much but I can afford buying you all dinner. So no objections!"

"Ok but I'm choosing the hotel!" Smirks Jk.

"Ok." You say wondering what could go bad.

You all go inside a hotel which looked very expensive. You gulp wondering how you're going to take back what you said.

"What Y/n? You don't look good. Are you rethinking your decision?" Jk asks smirking.

"Of course not. You all can order whatever you want." You say without breaking eye contact.

And order they did. So many dishes. The table was full and you confirmed that your paycheck isn't going to cover it and you have to use your monthly allowance from Angeline's dad.

"Wow. You all did order a 'lot'." You say smiling nervously.

Jungkook laughed.
"Don't worry. I'm not that cruel. I will pay for this dinner." He said.

"Oh come on now. I said that I will and that's that."You say.

"You can buy us something else." Says Tae.

"And I wonder what that might be?"

"We'll tell you later. So for now eat well."

You were too hungry and relieved to talk more so you just started gulping down.

"Eat slowly." Says Namjoon while handing you a glass of water.

You nod, take a sip and start devouring the food again.

Everyone was laughing or chuckling but you didn't care.

"Wahh. I ate so much." You say unable to get up.

"This is the first time I've seen you eat this much." Says Jimin while offering his hand and you take it.

"Well I usually eat a lot more than this. And this is the first time after that incident." You say as your mind drifts off back to your family.

"Hey hey come on now. You're doing so good. I'm very proud of you." Tae says.

"Thanks." You smile.
"So what did you all wanted to buy?" You ask as you're getting inside the car.

"I'll tell you." Smiles Jk.

And you wonder what ridiculous thing it might be.

It wasn't really ridiculous but it was really unpredictable.

"Come on now. Seriously?"

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