Night with Yoongi. Chap 37

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Suga treated your wound which looked horrible. You said that you will take care of it yourself but he insisted that he will do it. So you let him. After applying the medicine he sticked a big bandage on your cheeks which seemed to cover the whole side of your cheek.

"Isn't it too big?" You ask him.

"Your wound is pretty long. So I have to stick it fully. I hope that it won't scar." He says with concerned eyes.

After that he stands up and holds out his hand.

"Come on." He says.

"Where?" You ask him but take his hands.

"The game room." He smiles.

You and Yoongi spend your time in the game room not only by playing video games, he taught you some of korean games and you taught him some of Indian games. You both spent your time laughing. You often saw Yoongi's gummy smile. Whenever you saw it you were in awe.

Then you were both really hungry so you sneaked into the kitchen to grab some snacks.

In the kitchen you can see a tall and very lean man doing something in the kitchen. You couldn't see his face because of the dark. But you figured who it was by his physique.

"It's Jin oppa." You whisper in Yoongi's ear.

"I have a plan. Come." He grabs your hand and move into the kitchen slowly.

You both stand on either side of Jin hidden by the darkness.

Suga shows you his fingers. One two three.

"Baaahhh" you and suga shout at the same time.

"Aaaaahhhhh" Jin shouts terrified. He runs stumbling in a chair to turn on the lights.

You and Yoongi were both on the floor rolling in laughter.

Jin turned on the lights and clutched his heart seeing you both.

"Are you both mad? I literally died right there? I am older than you guys!! What if I fell down while stumbling and hurt my wwh face!! I think you both have a death wish! " He shouts starting his *scolding in rap* thing. This only made you laugh more.

"So-sorrryy." You laugh seeing his reaction.

"Seriously Yoongi?"

"Sorry hyung." Suga says clearing his throat and stifling his laughter.

You stand up and hug Jin.

"Sorry oppa. Won't you forgive your cute little sister." You can't believe that you're doing this. After you came to your senses, you were a little panicked about what will he think. Will he push you? Omg you will be so embarassed if he did that.

But to your great relief Jin didn't think that it was a great deal and ruffled your hair.

"Okay. I forgive you. But don't do that again! " He says gently.

You pull back and give him a smile.

"Wait. Y/n!"

"What? What happened?" You ask him bewildered by his tone.

"What happened to your cheek?" He ask him pointing the big bandage.

"Ohh." You say touching it, you forgot about that.

"What do you mean oh? You were fine when I last saw you!"

"Don't worry oppa it's just a scratch I made accidentally while I was sleeping." You say quickly hoping Yoongi won't give you up.

"This bandage for a scratch?" He asks you not believing.

"A big scratch. Don't mind it. By the way what were you doing in the kitchen this early in the morning?" You try to change the topic.

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