The accident. Chap 27

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"Jin hyung is on the way to pick you up."

"What? Jin? Won't he be busy?"

"Well Taehyung wanted to pick you up but he is a little busy now. Jin hyung is free now so he sent him. So be ready."

"Mm okay." You say and hung up.

You fastly change to a presentable dress and do your hair. You can hear the main door opening. You rush down the stairs and see Jin.

"Hey. You look beautiful. " He says.

"Thank you" you blush.

"But not more than me." He says and laughs his windshield laughter.

"Of course not." You laugh.

"Ok then let's go."

"Ok but what about Yeontan?"

"Oh he will be by himself. It's not a problem. He will always be alone until Taehyung comes home."

"Okay." You say and you both get into the car.

Jin's pov

"It's going to be a little long ride." I say while buckling my seat belt.

"It's fine." She says.

I started to drive. She was silently looking outside the window.

"Y/n if you don't mind me asking, why are you like this?" I asked her suddenly.

"What do you mean by that?" She asks confusion plain on her face.

"I mean why are you always waking up shouting and throwing whenever you try to sleep? What nightmare does that to you?"

"Why are you asking it so suddenly?" She asks staring at front.

"I don't know why too. I am a person who does what he wants before thinking it through. I am sorry. It's ok if you don't answer it." I say with my eyes on the road. Maybe she still isn't ready to share it with us.

"No. I am going to answer it." She says slowly, mostly to herself.

She was silent and staring outside the window for sometime. I didn't speak so that I can give her time to say it. Finally she turned and looked at me.

"I am not the real daughter of Bang pd's friend." She says reading my expression for every word that leaves her mouth. I tried not to be so surprised and nodded.

"I am an adopted daughter." She says.

"I see. What about your parents?" I ask since it may be easy for her to say if I ask her questions.

"My mother died of cancer when I was 5. My father..." Tears was threatening in her voice.
I didn't talk now. I wanted her to say it herself. I didn't look at her too in case she will be embarassed to cry while I am looking at her.
She let out a big sigh shuddering.

"My father, my elder sister and my grandmother who raised me after my mother died... Everyone died by a gas explotion in my house 2 years ago."

"What?!!" This time it was so hard to control my emotion. I parked the car at a corner and looked at her shocked. She looked at me with eyes full of tears.

"I-I was returning after school but I saw a child who was lost and crying. I couldn't ignore him and took him to the police station. I didn't want to leave him alone there so I stayed with him till his parents came and took him. It took about 2 hours for his parents to come. After that I went to my home t-to fi-find my family in ashes."

I didn't know what to say so I just held her hand while she cried.

"None of my relatives wanted to take me in. Angeline was my classmate and her parents knew me well so they adopted me and took me in." She gave a small smile while tears running down her eyes.

"Sorry I just loved my family so much that I didn't know why I should live after they died. Maybe I could have saved them or atleast I could have died with them if I went to home early."

"You couldn't have saved them y/n. Even if you were there you couldn't have stopped the explosion. And do you think you father would have wanted you to die with him or live even after he died? Of course he would be happy that you didn't come home earlier. So that atleast his one daughter would be alive."

"But what would they have thought before death? Did they wanted to see my face once before they die? Or did they think that they wanted to live? Or was it so painful for them that they couldn't even think about anything else than ask someone to stop their pain?"
She was sobbing harder now. I hugged her. She cried so hard. She was shaking.

"Maybe your father thought that thank god that atleast my one daughter lives."
She didn't reply to that.

"Then what about your nightmare?" I asked her. I know that she is already heartbroken but I don't know when she will start to share about it again if not now. She is bottling it inside for 2 years. It will be better for her if she let all of it out once and for all.

She didn't pull back from my hug and I didn't too. She started talking while hugging me.

"It's just that in my dream everyday I will see my father,sister and grandmother burning in front of me."

My eyes opened widely but I didn't interrupt her.

"They would be right in front of me but I couldn't help them at all. No matter what I did. I could just watch them as they slowly melt in the fire and die."
She started to sob harder again. Her voice were cracking up. I held her tighter.

"Even though I had the same dream everyday for 2 years,I couldn't stand the sight of it. So I always end up throwing whenever I wake up. I can't handle it anymore. It feels like I am going mad. What should I do??" She sobbed harder and harder.

"It's ok. It's ok. We are here for you now. We will take care of you." Tears started to fill my eyes too.

Really how is she even sane till now after that dream for 2 years? I couldn't even imagine my family like that but she is seeing it everyday! No wonder Si-hyuk hyung said that she was so depressed that she didn't even leave her room for 2 years.
Then my phone started to ring. She pulled back from me and started to wipe her tears. I picked up my phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Jin hyung. Why aren't you here yet?" Jungkook asked.

"We are on our way."

"Ok. Come fast." I hung up the phone.

Y/n's pov

"Start driving Jin. It's already late." I say to him since he was unsure whether to start the car or I had anymore to say.

"Okay." He says and started driving.

"Thank you." I say to him.


"For listening to me. You are the first person that I openly talked about this." I give him a small smile. It really felt good to share it with someone.

"Anytime." He says.

I took my phone and started to check my face.

"Do I look like I cried?" I asked Jin.
He studied my face and said
"Of course."

"Oh my god. What should I do?" I ask him.

"Its ok. It's not a problem." He said.

After a minute silence he asked,
"Can I share this with other members? Or would you like to do it yourself?"

"You can do it. I don't think I have the strength to talk about it again."
He nodded at that.

After maybe 5 minutes we came to a stop. He got down first and opened the door for me.

"Let's go." He held out his hand and smiled. His full lips was soo cute when he smiled.

You took his hand and smiled too.

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