The first day in the main house(2). Chap 16

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First jungkook was teaching you the basics. Then the game started. Of course tae won all the rounds. You just pouted while playing the game. Jimin laughed at your expression. Jhope was watching the game standing at your back.

Then you gave the remote controller to Jungkook to watch how he is playing. Jk beats tae in the first round. He shouts and jumps when he won. Without meaning too you also shout happily and gave a high-five to jk while jumping. Then only you noticed Yoongi standing beside jhope. All the shouting and screaming must have woke him up.

"The lunch arrived! Everyone come to the dining table." Jin shouts.

Everyone including you was so hungry that you all finished eating without speaking a word. After you finished you helped the other members to clean the table.

Then tae and jk invited you to play a game again but you politely refused. Then tae, jk, jimin and jhope started playing. Jin went to his room to take rest. Rm and suga were reading books. You go and sit near them. They look up at you.
"Hey y/n. How can I help you?" Rm asks in english.

"Do you have any english book rm?"

" Yes I have them in my room. Do you like reading books?"

"Yes. It's one of my hobbies. But it's been so long since I read a book."

"Ok. I will bring you some of my books. You can choose whatever you want. Ok?"

He didn't wait for your answer and rushed to his room. You were watching the boys who were playing games. They were so happy. You smile looking at them. Then Namjoon came back with some of his books.
"Here choose what you want."

You choose a book by reading it's introduction.

"Wow. You sure have a good taste in books." Rm suga

"Thanks." You smile. You spent your evening by reading the book. You are not really the quiet one so after you finished the book you started speaking about the story to them.

"Wow! What a twist. I really didn't expect her to go. But Ian didn't care about her appearance too. He said that he doesn't care how she looks. And Jamie...." You continued to blabber about the book. Then you realized it and stopped.

"Oh. I am sorry. I must have really bored you!"
What a stupid girl you are! You and your big mouth.

"No no. I am really happy you are sharing everything with me like you lived and came out of it. It's so nice to hear you talk. Your so immersed in it." Said Rm.

"Yeah your expressions are funny and cute when you talk. When you are talking about a serious situation your face is very serious too. When you talk about happy situation you are happy too. And the same goes for sad. You are like you lived in that book and came out of it." Yoongi chuckled.

Omg yoongi's chuckle is soo cute.

"Your a really good reading partner." Rm said and yoongi agreed to it.

"I could say the same. You both are really good listener." You smile too.

Jin came down after his sleep. It was near 6'o clock.
" I am going to the grocery store. Anybody wants to come with me?" Jin asked.

"I am coming hyung." Jhope said. The other members who were playing game with him fell asleep in the couch.
Jin notices you and asks
"Y/n do you want to come with us?"

Why not?

"Of course." You smile.

"Ok then let's go."

The three of you get into the car. Jin was driving the car. It was a silent ride until jin broke the silence
"Y/n. Where are you from?"

"I am from (your country)."

"Then how and why did you learn korean?" Asked jhope

"I learnt korean from the apps like 'learn korean' and why because my dream was to come to Seoul. So I wanted to learn korean and I thought that if I ever get a chance to meet you all I wanted to speak to you all in korean. Not in english."

"Ohh. I see." Said jin.

"Why was your dream to come to Seoul?" Asked jhope.

"Firstly it's because I wanted to meet you all. Secondly I have watched many korean dramas so I wanted to meet this place in real life. And thirdly it's because of the food." You laugh.

"Wow. You are just like me when it comes to food." Jin laughs.

Then the car came to a stop in front of the convenience store. Jin and jhope started to wear mask and cap.
Jhope gave a mask and cap for you too.

"You are a foreigner. If they see a foreigner with two korean boys they will get curious and will start to pay attention to us. We don't need any attention , if they pay too much attention someone may find out who we are." He gestures him and jin.
"So please wear it."

"Jeez you could have just told me to wear it." You smile .
"You didn't have to give me a big explanation."

You wear the mask and cap jhope gave you.

You follow them outside the car and get into a convenience store. You were just amazed by the store and started to look around it. It's a korean convenience store! You have only watched them in the dramas.

You look around happily when jin and jhope started to pick up what they wanted. Jhope came to you and said
"You can pick whatever you want." Then he left to pick the items.

You really didn't know what to pick up so you just grabbed 8 bars of choclate and came to the counter when they both called you. You paid for the choclate. Even though they said that they will pay for it, you refused and you paid for it.
Then you got into the car.
"Do you like that choclate that much? You have picked 8 bars of the same choclate." Asked jin.

"It's not only for me. I have picked 8 bars. One for me and the 7 for the 7 of you."

"Oh. How thoughtful of you. You are a really good girl." Jin said.

Oh god. He is treating you like a 5 year old kid. Of course you look like a little kid when you stand next to him but he can't treat you like that.

After you reached the main house everyone was on the living room ordering food.

"Hyungs we are ordering chicken tonight for dinner. Did you pick up some beer?" Jimin asked.

"Yes. We picked up beer and ingredients for tomorrow's breakfast, lunch and dinner. We picked up some snacks too." Jhope replied.

You remembered the choclate bars and take it out from the bag. You give everyone one choclate. They smile and say thanks. After that dinner arrived. You started to eat with everyone. Taehyung opened and gave you a beer
"No thanks. I don't drink." You say.

"Wait. Don't tell me you're underage." Asks Jungkook.

"What? No!" You exclaim.

"Then why are you not drinking?" Asks tae.

"I don't like alcohol. I don't drink it."

"Really? Not even beer?" Jimin asks shocked.

"Nope." You smile.

"Well that's alright." Says rm.

After dinner you say goodnight to everyone and head back to your room. This has been the best day in your life in these 2 years. You take a shower and lie down on the bed. Your really sleepy today, so you fall asleep faster. And your dream starts earlier than usual too. Of course you can't have the best day in your life ever again. You scream and wake up. You run to the bathroom and started throwing up.

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